20 of the Best Replies to "Will You Be My Valentine" - Answeroll (2024)

Valentine’s Day is a time for love, romance, and celebrating the special people in our lives. If you’re lucky enough to have someone special who wants to be your Valentine, you want to make sure your response is memorable and heartfelt.

But what do you say when you’re asked, ‘will you be my valentine?’ Don’t stress your pretty head, I’m here to help.

I’ve compiled a list of 20 of the best replies to this question, to help you find the perfect words to express your love and affection. Whether you’re looking for a romantic, cute, or humorous response, this list has got you covered.

So get ready to sweep your sweetheart off their feet with your charming reply, and make this Valentine’s Day a day to remember!

The three replies ‘Yes, I’d be honored to be your Valentine,’ ‘Of course! You don’t even have to ask,’ and ‘It’s a yes from me! I’m so excited to spend Valentine’s Day with you,’ are confident and enthusiastic answers to the question ‘Will you be my Valentine?

These replies convey excitement and joy about the prospect of being someone’s Valentine and show that you are eager to enter into a romantic relationship with the person.

Table of Contents

20 Best Replies To ‘Will You Be My Valentine?’

Valentine’s Day is a special day for couples and singles alike. For those in relationships, it’s a time to show your love and appreciation for your significant other. For those still searching for love, it can be a day filled with anticipation and excitement.

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Whether you are in a relationship or not, it’s always fun to receive a special Valentine’s Day message from someone special.

One of the most common messages that people receive on Valentine’s Day is ‘will you be my valentine?’ If you are the recipient of such a message, you may be wondering what to say in response.

1. Yes, I’d be honored to be your Valentine

20 of the Best Replies to "Will You Be My Valentine" - Answeroll (1)

This reply conveys enthusiasm and appreciation for the person who asked. By saying that you would be honored, you are expressing that you feel grateful for the invitation and that being their Valentine means a lot to you.

2. Of course! You don’t even have to ask

This reply is a sign of a strong and confident relationship. It shows that you already have a deep connection with the person who asked and that being their Valentine is a given.

3. I’m flattered, but I’m already taken. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart, though

This reply is for someone who is in a relationship but still wants to be respectful and kind to the person who asked. It shows that you appreciate the gesture and that you value the friendship, but that you are not available to be their Valentine.

4. I’m so glad you asked. I’d love to be your Valentine

This reply is enthusiastic and joyful. It conveys that you are happy that the person asked and that you are excited to be their Valentine.

5. I would be delighted to be your Valentine. Thank you for thinking of me

This reply is polite and grateful. By expressing your delight, you are showing that you appreciate the invitation and that you feel honored to be considered as their Valentine.

6. It’s a yes from me! I’m so excited to spend Valentine’s Day with you

This reply is energetic and enthusiastic. By saying yes and expressing excitement, you are showing that you are eager to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the person who asked.

7. I’m blushing. Yes, I’d love to be your Valentine

This reply is cute and playful. By saying that you are blushing, you are expressing that you are flattered by the invitation and that you would be happy to be their Valentine.

8. You make every day special, so of course I’ll be your Valentine

This reply is loving and affectionate. By expressing that the person makes every day special, you are showing that you appreciate their presence in your life and that being their Valentine is a natural choice.

9. I accept your invitation with open arms. I can’t wait to be your Valentine

This reply is warm and welcoming. By accepting the invitation with open arms, you are expressing that you are ready and willing to be their Valentine and that you are excited for what’s to come.

10. Yes, I’ll be your Valentine. You always make my heart skip a beat

This reply is romantic and loving. By saying that the person always makes your heart skip a beat, you are showing that you have strong feelings for them and that being their Valentine is a joy for you.

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11. I’m so touched that you asked me to be your Valentine. It would be an honor

This reply is emotional and heartfelt. By expressing that you are touched by the invitation, you are showing that you appreciate the gesture and that being their Valentine would be an honor for you.

12. I would be honored to be your Valentine. You make my world brilliant and bright

This reply is loving and appreciative. By expressing that the person makes every day brilliant and brighter, you are showing that you value their presence in your life and that being their Valentine would be an honor for you.

13. You already have a special place in my heart, so, of course, I’ll be your Valentine

20 of the Best Replies to "Will You Be My Valentine" - Answeroll (2)

This reply is sentimental and affectionate. By expressing that the person already has a special place in your heart, you are showing that you have deep feelings for them and that being their Valentine is a natural choice for you.

14. I’d be over the moon to be your Valentine. Thank you for asking

This reply is joyful and enthusiastic. By expressing that you would be over the moon, you are showing that you are thrilled by the invitation and that being their Valentine is a dream come true for you.

15. I’d be so happy to be your Valentine. You bring joy to my life every day

This is a warm and affectionate answer to the question ‘will you be my valentine?’ This reply expresses gratitude towards the person who asked and shows that being their Valentine would bring happiness and joy into your life.

By saying that the person brings joy to your life every day, you are acknowledging the positive impact they have on you and the importance they hold in your life.

This reply is also uplifting, as it highlights the good aspects of the relationship and the positive feelings you have towards the person.

By expressing that you would be so happy to be their Valentine, you are showing that you are excited about the prospect of entering into a romantic relationship with them.

Overall, the reply I’d be so happy to be your Valentine. You bring joy to my life every day. is a beautiful and meaningful way to answer the question ‘will you be my valentine?’

16. I’m so glad you thought of me. Yes, I’ll be your Valentine with all my heart

This reply is grateful and loving. By expressing that you are glad that the person thought of you, you are showing that you appreciate the gesture and that you are willing to be their Valentine with all your heart.

17. Yes, always and forever

The reply Yes, always and forever is a powerful and romantic answer to the question ‘will you be my valentine?’ This reply conveys a strong commitment and a deep love for the person who asked.

By saying always and forever, you are expressing that you see a long-lasting future with the person and that being their Valentine is not just for one day, but for the rest of your life.

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This reply shows that you are fully invested in the relationship and that you are willing to be there for the person through thick and thin. It is a beautiful and meaningful way to show your love and commitment on Valentine’s Day and beyond.

18. I would love to be your Valentine

The reply I would love to be your Valentine is a sweet and heartfelt answer to the question ‘will you be my valentine?’ This reply shows that you are open to the idea of being someone’s Valentine and that you are willing to enter into a romantic relationship with them.

By using the words I would love to, you are expressing that you have positive feelings towards the person and that being their Valentine is a desirable outcome for you.

This reply is also non-committal, which can be helpful if you are not sure if you are ready for a more serious relationship.

By saying I would love to be your Valentine, you are conveying your interest in the person and your willingness to see where the relationship can go. It is a simple and straightforward answer that can convey a lot of meaning and affection.

19. Do I get a kiss if I say yes?

This is a playful and lighthearted answer to the question ‘will you be my valentine?’ This reply shows that you have a sense of humor and that you are willing to have fun with the person who asked you. By asking for a kiss, you are making a joke and adding a little bit of humor to the situation.

This reply can help ease any tension or nervousness that may be present, making the moment more relaxed and enjoyable for both parties. The person who asked will appreciate your lighthearted approach and may feel more comfortable around you as a result.

This reply can also be used as a way to flirt and show your interest in the person, as asking for a kiss is a classic romantic gesture.

Overall, the reply Do I get a kiss if I say yes? is a fun and playful way to show your affection and to put a smile on the face of the person who asked you to be their Valentine.

20. As long as you don’t break my heart

The reply As long as you don’t break my heart is a playful and humorous answer to the question ‘will you be my valentine?’ This reply adds a lighthearted touch to a potentially serious moment, which can help to ease any tension or nervousness.

By using a touch of humor, you are expressing that you are open to the idea of being someone’s Valentine, but also making it clear that your heart is a precious commodity that should be treated with care.

This reply can also be seen as a playful challenge, as you are essentially saying I will be your Valentine if you can prove that you will be a good and loving partner.

It is a great way to show that you are confident and secure in your own feelings, while also keeping things light and fun. Overall, the reply As long as you don’t break my heart is a clever and charming way to answer the question ‘will you be my valentine?’

In conclusion, Valentine’s Day is a special time to show your love and appreciation for those close to you. If you receive a message asking if you will be someone’s Valentine, it’s always a good idea to respond with a thoughtful and heartfelt message.

Whether you say yes or no, it’s important to remember to be kind and considerate in your response.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, the 20 best replies to ‘will you be my valentine?’ are a fun and creative way to express your feelings on Valentine’s Day.

Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just starting to date someone, these replies can help you express your love, affection, and appreciation for the special person in your life.

Some of the best replies include simple yet heartfelt responses such as Yes, always, and forever or I would love to be your Valentine. Others are more playful and humorous, such as Do I get a kiss if I say yes? or As long as you don’t break my heart.

No matter which replies you choose, it’s important to be sincere and genuine in your expression of love and affection. Whether you choose to be romantic, playful, or simply grateful, the key to a great reply is to let your true feelings shine through.

So whether you’re ready to say yes to your sweetheart’s request or simply want to express your appreciation, these 20 best replies to ‘will you be my valentine?’ are sure to make this Valentine’s Day one to remember.

20 of the Best Replies to "Will You Be My Valentine" - Answeroll (2024)


How do I respond to "Will you be my Valentine"? ›

Well, if you want to be their Valentine then I would suggest just saying “yeah I'll be your Valentine,” or simply “yes :).” You could also say “yeah I'll be your valentine, will you be mine?” Those answers are what I (personally) would say.

How to reject someone asking to be your Valentine? ›

Tell them how you feel:you are not interested in pursuing a relationship. Say what you would like to hear if the situation were reversed, and under any circ*mstances, DON'T reject someone in a crowd or in front of their friends. If you do, you'll only cause them more embarrassment. “You say it really nicely.

How to answer "will you be mine?"? ›

If the person is a romantic interest and you feel the same way, you can respond with a positive statement such as "I'd love to be yours." If the person is a friend or acquaintance and you do not have romantic feelings for them, you can respond politely with a statement such as "I appreciate the sentiment, but I see you ...

What is it when someone asks you to be their Valentine? ›

Another is valentine, though you'll mainly hear this word on Valentine's Day: February 14. Asking "Will you be my valentine?" is like asking "Will you go out with me?" and saying "I like you." Sending a card is a common way to let someone know you want to be their valentine. “will you be my valentine?”

How to ask your girlfriend to be your Valentine over text? ›

Take a deep breath, and just let the girl know what you're feeling and that you want to get together. She may appreciate the courage it took and say yes. “Truth is, I've been thinking about you a lot recently. Would you be my Valentine?”

Will you be my Valentine proposal ideas? ›

Propose at home.

For example, you could create a trail of candles and rose petals from the front door leading to you waiting with the ring. Set up a living room picnic. Or cook their favorite meal and propose over dessert. (Bonus: you won't have to brave the Valentine's restaurant crowds!)

What does it mean when a guy asks you to be his Valentine? ›

It shows that this person means something big to you and that you really want to keep them in your life. It can also be an adorable way to solidify your relationship. Asking someone to be your valentine can be a great way to ask someone out, get out of the talking stage and officially be boy/girlfriend.

Is it OK to ask someone to be your Valentine over text? ›

If you're figuring out how to ask a girl to be your valentine, consider doing that through a flirty text.

Would you be my Valentine when to ask? ›

You ask whenever you have the courage. If that's a week before Valentines Day, ask then. If it's Valentines Day, ask then. It all depends on your confidence level.

How to reply smartly to how are you? ›

Here are some example answers:
  1. “Fine. How are you?”
  2. “I'm good. And you?”
  3. “Can't complain! How are you?”“Pretty good. Excited for [upcoming event, season, or holiday]. ...
  4. “I'm all right. Thanks.”
  5. “I'd be better if it would stop raining!”
  6. “Good enough for a Monday morning. How are you?”
  7. “Living the dream.”
Mar 18, 2024

How do you respond to I want you? ›

“I want you” is most commonly used as an expression of physical or sexual attraction. When someone says “I want you,” they usually want to be physically intimate with you. Respond to “I want you” by saying “I want you, too,” or flirting if you're also aroused or physically attracted to them.

How do I respond to "I'm interested in you"? ›

Here are some ways in which we can respond to their interest appropriately:
  • If you like them back: “I like you too. ...
  • If you don't reciprocate their feelings: “Thank you so much for being honest with me. ...
  • If you need time to process: “I know you just told me you liked me, but I'm not sure how I feel.
Oct 13, 2022

Can a girl ask a guy to be her Valentine? ›

If you've been crushing on someone hard and Valentine's Day is coming up, this might be the perfect opportunity to let them know how you feel. Ask them to be your valentine! You can make a card, leave a note, bake heart-shaped cookies or just come right out and say it—there are lots of different ways!

Will you be my Valentine or Valentine's? ›

However, the “V” in valentine and the “D” in day do need to be capitalized when referring to the holiday, since it's a proper noun. I will ask Emiliana to be my valentine. I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day.

What does it mean to be Valentine? ›

1. : a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day. 2. a. : a gift or greeting sent or given especially to a sweetheart on Valentine's Day.

Do you want to be my Valentine message? ›

"I'd love to make this Valentine's Day special with you. Will you be my Valentine?" "I hope you'll be my Valentine and make my heart skip a beat."

How do you tell someone you like them on Valentine's Day? ›

5 Ways to Tell Your Crush You Like Them on Valentine's Day
  1. Send a Card. Sending a card is one of the most classic but effective methods to express your feelings for your sweetheart. ...
  2. Give a Gift. ...
  3. Plan a Date. ...
  4. Write a Letter. ...
  5. Tell Them in Person.
Feb 7, 2024


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.