80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (2024)

Table of Contents
If you feel like you need some extra help to manifest your specific person then this post is for you! We’ve gathered 80 of the most powerful love affirmations for a specific person, to help you attract love into your life and enjoy a romantic relationship with your special one. But Wait What Is a Love Affirmation For a Specific Person? Do Affirmations Work For Love? Benefits of Affirmations For Love How To Use Affirmations For Love To Attract A Soulmate? Love Affirmations For A Specific Person Positive Affirmations For Attracting A Specific Person – Love Mantras Love Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You Love Affirmations To Get Married To A Specific Person How Do You Manifest Love With A Specific Person 6 Steps For Manifesting A Specific Person – Law Of Assumption 1. Reset Your Thinking Pattern 2. Give More Of What You Want To Receive 3. Use All Of Your 5 Senses To Create And Live A Desired Experience In Your Imagination. 4. Keep Visualizing Until Your Inner State & Mood Begin To Change. 5. Fake It till You Make It. For Real. 6. Have Unshakable Faith. What Affirmations To Use To Attract Love? Affirmations For Attracting Love That Work Fast Manifestation Affirmations to Make Someone Love You Love Affirmations To Attract A Soulmate Love Affirmations To Attract A Healthy Relationship With A Specific Person Love Affirmations To Attract Ex Back to You Can Affirmations Make Someone Love You? Final Thoughts For Love Affirmations For A Specific Person 80 Love Affirmations for A Specific Person You’ll Also Love FAQs References


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80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (1)

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If you feel like you need some extra help to manifest your specific person then this post is for you!

We’ve gathered 80 of the most powerful love affirmations for a specific person, to help you attract love into your life and enjoy a romantic relationship with your special one.

Needless to say that affirmations are a very powerful tool that everyone can use daily to manifest anything he/she desires in life. Money, friends, a specific person, you name it! Affirmations can do it!

How empowering it is to know that you have such a powerful tool in your hands that can actually transform your life and make your wildest dreams com true!

And guess what? In today’s post you are going to learn exactly how to effectively use love affirmations for attracting a specific person in your life and create a healthy relationship together that will last forever!

Let’s dive right in!

But Wait What Is a Love Affirmation For a Specific Person?

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (2)

Here’s the deal: Affirmations are positive statements, aimed to eliminate your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, to help you live an empowered life.

In fact, affirmations have the incredible power to change your thinking in the simplest of ways, meaning they can help you change your beliefs about yourself, but also about your specific person.

So, when referring to a love affirmation, we refer to words that communicate your love, appreciation, and respect for another person.

Also, affirmations for love most of the time are affirmations focused on manifesting love with an ideal partner for the person affirming.

Do Affirmations Work For Love?

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (3)

Sure they do! Specifically, love affirmations do more than bring love to you; they teach you how to love yourself.

And loving yourself and feeling worthy of happiness in life, makes it easier for you to manifest your desires and even attract a specific person to come to your life.

Benefits of Affirmations For Love

Among other benefits, affirmations for love can help you feel more positive, optimistic and confident in life.

They are the best way to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs, while helping you manifest your desires quicker, as you are visualizing them as already achieved.

So what are you waiting for? Affirm baby, affirm!

How To Use Affirmations For Love To Attract A Soulmate?

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Remember, to make specific person affirmations really work for you fast, and manifest rue love in your life, there are a few things you should do. Take a look below:

  • Choose love affirmations that resonate with you and make you feel good.
  • When using affirmations for a specific person, it is important that you believe in them wholeheartedly. If you affirm something you don’t believe to be true, it won’t have a positive effect in your life.
  • Write your sp affirmations down and post them where you will see them often, such as on your mirror or refrigerator.
  • Repeat your love affirmations out loud or write them down several times a day. Consistency is key! The 33×3 manifestation method suggests writing your affirmations 33 times per day over 3 days!
  • Make sure your actions support your affirmations. For example, if you’re working on being open to love, make an effort to grab new opportunities that arise!
  • In order to get the most out of love affirmations for a specific person, it is important that you practice them daily, at times when you feel most relaxed, ideally first thing in the morning or last thing at night before bed.
  • The more you use affirmations on love, the quicker they will become part of your subconscious mind and the faster the ideal relationship and partner will come in your life!
  • Make sure you are affirming in present tense, avoiding words and phrases that are blocking your manifestation!

Love Affirmations For A Specific Person

So now let’s get to the part you are mostly waiting for! Here is a list of love affirmations for manifesting a specific person to get you started!

Start with one or two affirmations to focus on for the week, and see how you feel. If you like the results you ‘re getting, stick with them, and gradually add more over time.

These are just a few examples, be creative and come up with your own that resonate with you and make you feel good when practicing them!

Positive Affirmations For Attracting A Specific Person – Love Mantras

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (5)

1.[SP] only has eyes for me.

2.[SP] is deeply in love with me.

3.[SP] wants to spend their entire life with me.

4.Me and [SP] come closer every day.

5.[SP] thinks about me every day.

6.I am the person that [SP] mostly enjoys spending time with.

7.I am in [SP] dreams every night.

8.[SP] and I share a powerful love for each other.

9.[SP] knows I am their other half in life.

10.[SP] and I are meant to be together and we both know it in our hearts.

Love Affirmations To Make Him Obsessed With You

11.[SP] is obsessed with me.

12.[SP] can’t help but think about me all the time.

13.[SP] and I share an immense passion for each other.

14.[SP] can’t resist me.

15.[SP] has a strong desire to be around me all the time.

16.I am the person [SP] most desires in life.

17.[SP] and I are both obsessed with each other.

18.[SP] and I share the same passions in life.

19.[SP] adores everything about me.

20.[SP] feels a huge magnetic vibration around me.

Love Affirmations To Get Married To A Specific Person

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (6)

21.[SP] and I are meant to share the rest of our lives together.

22.For [SP] there is no other person he feels more comfortable with rather than me.

23.[SP] knows I am the ONE.

24.[SP] and I are ready to make a family together.

25.[SP] and I share common dreams and goals, we can’t wait to make true.

26.Marriage is a pure bliss and [SP] and I have achieved it.

27.I am so grateful for my happy marriage.

28.My spouse makes me feel so happy and blessed.

29.I am ready to grow old with my lovely partner.

30.The great love my partner and I share makes our marriage so strong.

How Do You Manifest Love With A Specific Person

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Let me say this: If you are not familiar with the law of assumption go ahead and check this post on my blog!

To really have faith in the power of affirmations, it is important to understand that the law of assumption is always working, manifesting for you what you assume to be true!

Trust me this law is so powerful that it can help you instantly manifest anything you desire in your life, including your specific person!

No matter the circ*mstances in your life, 6 simple steps are all you need, for attracting a specific person and enjoying love and a romantic relationship with him/her.

There you go!

6 Steps For Manifesting A Specific Person – Law Of Assumption

1. Reset Your Thinking Pattern

2. Give More Of What You Want To Receive

3. Use All Of Your 5 Senses To Create And Live A Desired Experience In Your Imagination.

4. Keep Visualizing Until Your Inner State & Mood Begin To Change.

5. Fake It till You Make It. For Real.

6. Have Unshakable Faith.

Follow these steps and use your positive affirmations for love to help you shift to positive beliefs about love, and boost your faith.

You’ll be amazed!

What Affirmations To Use To Attract Love?

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (8)

So if you want to attract love into your life you need to practice the right affirmations that will manifest an ideal partner for you.

And ideally, you want to choose effective affirmations that work and deliver the desired results fast.

Be sure to grab the lists shared below as they are tested to be super effective and will leave you amazed by the results!

Affirmations For Attracting Love That Work Fast

31.I am totally worthy of love and affection in my life.

32.I generously spread love to the people around me and I deserve to have love in my life.

33.I share a loving relationship with my partner.

34.In my relationship I enjoy great amounts of love and respect.

35.I welcome love in my life with open arms.

36.I am happy to give and receive love.

37.Love is the main motivating power in my life.

38.I am surrendered with great amounts of love in my life, from my family, my friends and my partner.

39.I allow love to dominate my life.

40.My partner’s love for me is unlimited.

Manifestation Affirmations to Make Someone Love You

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (9)

41.I am now manifesting with faith [SP] to love me.

42.I am attracting true love from [SP].

43.[SP] now sees I am the ONE for him/her.

44.All my vibrations and energy are sending love to [SP] urging him/her to love me.

45.I sense divine love connecting me with [SP]

46.[SP] is greatly attracted to me.

47.I am irresistible for [SP], he/she can’t stay away from me.

48.I am sending love vibes to [SP], he/she is sending love vibes back.

49.There is a magnetic force attracting [SP] to come to me.

50.[SP] is confessing his/her feelings of love about me.

Love Affirmations To Attract A Soulmate

51.I deeply know my soulmate comes to me.

52.It’s now time for me and my soulmate to meet.

53.I am confident my soulmate is showing up this month.

54.I am so ready to experience life with my soulmate.

55.I have so much to give to my soulmate, that he/she can’t do but show up fast.

56.My soulmate has finally come to my life.

57.Doing life with my soulmate is a real blessing!

58.I am grateful for having a relationship with my absolute soulmate.

59.I deserve my soulmate and he/she deserves me.

60.I am blessed to have a partner that is my true soulmate in life.

Love Affirmations To Attract A Healthy Relationship With A Specific Person

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (10)

61.My relationship with [SP] is healthy and strong.

62.My relationship is a safe place for me.

63.[SP] and I have a deep, romantic relationship that makes us both better persons.

64.All issues in my relationship with [SP] are solved with dialogue and love.

65.Love is the main ingredient in my relationship with [SP].

66.My relationship makes me feel happy and blessed.

67.A good relationship is a blessing in life and [SP] and I are blessed to have that.

68.[SP] is both my partner and my best friend and that makes the perfect relationship.

69.I am blessed to be in a loving relationship with [SP].

70.Both [SP] and I feel happy for our romantic relationship and have it as top priority.

Love Affirmations To Attract Ex Back to You

71. Our bond is so strong that he/she returns back to me.

72. My ex is still greatly attracted by me.

73. I am so grateful to be back in love with [EX].

74. I feel so blessed to have [EX] back in my life again.

75. [EX] and I are meant to be together.

76. I am the only person [EX] dreams his/her future with.

77. My [EX] still loves me and is making the move to come back to me.

78. Our bond is stronger than ever.

79. Our love grows stronger every day.

80. I am truly loved by my [EX].

Can Affirmations Make Someone Love You?

80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (11)

If you do decide to practice love affirmations for attracting a specific person, you should have a few things in mind!

Affirmations work with your subconscious mind to shift your inner state into a more positive one.

They change the way you see other people and the way you interpret their words, actions and behaviors.

Specifically in the case of specific person affirmations for love, they make you change your assumptions about your specific person and instill more positive ones that are aligned with your desires.

New assumptions that match the way you want your specific person to see you, to treat you and feel about you!

For example when your specific person delays to reply to your message you don’t start thinking that he/she is ignoring you. Instead you are assuming that they are trying to find the right words to express their love to you!

Because when consistently affirming love with a specific person, you manage to direct your focus to the desired results, the ones that you affirm.

This makes you feel and behave differently, more confidently as if your specific person is already in love with you.

You behave as if you already are in a dreamy relationship with that person manifesting situations that are aligned with this behavior of yours.

As a result the law of assumption, which is always working, whether we believe it or not, is magnetically manifesting your specific person to think about you, to miss you, to love you and finally to come to your life.

You can check examples and success stories on the law of assumption for a specific person, post. You’ll be shocked how powerful the law is and how it’s always working!

Final Thoughts For Love Affirmations For A Specific Person

So there you have it! 80 powerful affirmations for love, to manifest a specific person in your life and enjoy a happy relationship together!

Affirmations is a tested tool when it comes to manifesting. That’s why they’re so widely used by people who are spiritually awaken and familiar with techniques for attracting their desires.

Go ahead and give affirmations a try! You may choose affirmations from this post or create your own!

Either way, start practicing your favorite love affirmations today, to help you shift your beliefs and thoughts to match your desires and notice all good changes that will come into your life, including YOUR Specific Person!

So now, I’d like to hear from you! Are you practicing affirmations for manifesting a specific person? Which is one is your favorite? Comment below!

If you enjoyed today’s post, just make sure to share it with your friends and join our email list to get even more. Also don’t forget to follow our team onFacebookandInstagram!

Till next time, have fun! take care! xx


80 Love Affirmations for A Specific Person

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80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (12)

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80 Love Affirmations For A Specific Person - Powerful Manifestation (2024)


What is the best affirmation for a specific person? ›

Affirmations For A Specific Person
  • I am on top of X's priorities.
  • Our relationship grows stronger every day.
  • X goes out of their way to make me happy at all times.
  • X is very encouraging and supports everything I do.
  • I am the truest version of myself when I'm with X.
  • X is thankful to have me in their life.

How to affirm your soulmate? ›

Use love affirmations to attract a soulmate by following the steps in the following: Identify the negative thoughts stopping you from picturing yourself with your soulmate. Write a comprehensive list of what you want precisely in a potential partner. Ensure you don't hold anything back.

Do affirmations work for attracting love? ›

Do Affirmations Work For Love? Yes, affirmations work for love with the help of the law of attraction, you can manifest the love of your life into your reality with your thoughts and words.

Which affirmation is most powerful? ›

One powerful positive affirmation is: "I am capable of achieving my goals and creating a life I love." Affirmations like this can help boost self-confidence and motivation. The most powerful positive affirmation is “ Everyday I am getting better and better”. It is very general but applicable to many areas in your life.

How do I manifest a specific person? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Manifesting Someone
  1. Clarify Your Intentions. Understanding your true intentions is the cornerstone of manifesting a specific person. ...
  2. Use Visualisation Techniques. ...
  3. Get in Emotional Alignment. ...
  4. Practice Affirmations and Belief. ...
  5. Let Go of the Outcome.
Jan 11, 2024

How to make him think of me manifestation? ›

Here are steps about how to manifest someone to think about you:
  1. Step 1: Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts. ...
  2. Step 2: Find a Quiet Space and Meditate. ...
  3. Step 3: Write Your Manifestation. ...
  4. Step 4: Use Vision Boarding. ...
  5. Step 5: Practice Positive Affirmations. ...
  6. Step 6: Trust The Universe. ...
  7. Step 7: Visualization and Gratitude Practice.
Dec 18, 2023

What to write to manifest soulmate? ›

Step 1: Get clear about what you want and write it down.

If you want to meet your soulmate, then develop a detailed picture of what that person would be like (their qualities, characteristics, values, etc.). Focus only on the positive attributes.

How to manifest for a soulmate? ›

Create a set of positive affirmations to help you find your soulmate. Repeat these affirmations daily to shift your mindset towards openness. Say something like "I am worthy of love and a deeply fulfilling relationship." Let go of any past emotional baggage or negative beliefs about love and relationships.

What is the prayer for the soulmate? ›

Prayer for those seeking a spouse

open my heart and mind so that I recognise my soulmate. Remove any obstacles that may be in the way of this happy encounter, So that I might find a new sense of wholeness, joy and peace. Give me the grace too, to know and accept, if you have another plan for my life.

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Five Mind Power Techniques To Attract Someone
  1. Be definite about the kind of relationship you desire. ...
  2. Match their Vibrational Frequency. ...
  3. Acknowledge your pessimistic beliefs. ...
  4. Create Energy Room for Them In Your Life. ...
  5. Be Kind to Yourself.

What is the power of manifestation love? ›

The concept of manifesting love suggests that when you're comfortable and content with your life devoid of love — rather than desperately searching to fill space — you hold space for it. That's because you ultimately attract the energy you exude.

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20 money affirmations
  • I am in control of my financial wellness.
  • My net worth is not my self-worth.
  • I am at peace with my portfolio.
  • I believe I have all the money I need.
  • My money goes to what I value.
  • I deserve the money that I earn.
  • I am a great giver of financial gifts.
  • My money works hard for me.

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Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

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"I am" affirmations refer to affirmations that start with the words "I am." It is basically the most powerful type. We all know that affirmations are generally positive.

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Give Them a Shout Out

Make sure you compliment your words of affirmation partner in front of other people. Tell them what makes you proud and what you really appreciate. Don't go overboard and embarrass your partner, but telling others how awesome you think your partner is will touch their heart in so many ways.

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Words of Affirmation for Close, Personal Relationships

“I love you” or “I care about you so much.” “I'm proud of you; you did such a great job.” “You mean so much to me, and I love having you in my life.” “I appreciate everything you do and how you always think of me.”

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3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  • I expect to win. I deserve to win.
  • I will not care what other people think.
  • I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

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Today is a phenomenal day. I am turning DOWN the volume of negativity in my life, while simultaneously turning UP the volume of positivity. I am filled with focus. I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams.


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