99 Essential Things To Love About Yourself (2024)

Table of Contents
99 of the Best Things to Love About Yourself 1. Your Ability to Love 2. Your Personality 3. Your Creativity 4. Your Relationships 5. Your Family 6. Your Perspective 7. Your Sense of Humor 8. Your Smile 9. Your Laugh 10. Your Sense of Direction 11. Your Eyes 12. Your Hair 13. Your Teeth 14. Your Skin 15. Your Body 16. Your Nose 17. Your Ears 18. Your Shoulders 19. Your Stomach 20. Your Heart 21. Your Lungs 22. Your Kidneys 23. Your Liver 24. Your Bones 25. Your Pancreas 26. Your Thyroid Gland 27. Your Interests 28. Your Education 29. Your Financial Savviness 30. Your Tech Savviness 31. Your Patience 32. Your Senses 33. Your Intuition 34. Your Sensitivity 35. Your Open-Mindedness 36. Your Sense of Style 37. Your Taste in Music 38. Your Love of Reading 39. Your Taste in Books 40. Your Taste in Movies/Entertainment 41. Your Ability to See the Good in Other People 42. Your Passion 43. Your Confidence 44. Your Ability to Trust 45. Your Self-Control 46. Your Determination 47. Your Intelligence 48. Your Compassion 49. Your Hugs 50. Your Affectionate Nature. 51. Your Generosity 52. Your Talents 53. Your Skills 54. Your Strength 55. Your Tenacity 56. Your Resilience 57. Your Weaknesses 58. The Way Your Mind Works 59. Your Ability to Learn from Your Mistakes 60. Your Ability to Feel Joy and to Celebrate 61. Your Ability to Feel Sadness and to Grieve 62. Your Ability to Heal 63. Your Ability to Help Others Heal 64. Your Love of Justice 65. Your Zest for Life 66. Your Love of Beauty 67. Your Readiness to Embrace Inconvenience for a Greater Good 68. Your Tender Heart 69. Your Sense of Adventure 70. Your Sense of Fun 71. Your Ability to Think Outside the Box. 72. Your Empathy 73. Your Readiness to Help Others 74. Your Ability to Benefit from Good Counsel 75. Your Thoughtfulness Toward Others 76. Your Ability to Say “No” 77. Your Resourcefulness 78. Your Ingenuity 79. Your Poise 80. Your Commanding Presence 81. Your Quiet Behind-the-Scenes Effectiveness 82. Your Ability to Reinvent Yourself 83. Your Tendency to Focus on the Positives 84. Your Quirks or Quirkiness 85. Your Ability to Hyperfocus 86. Your Ability to Be a Good Listener 87. Your Ability to Create Beauty 88. Your Ability to See Both Sides of an Issue 89. Your Thirst for Knowledge 90. Your Reliability and Trustworthiness 91. Your Readiness to Do Things that Scare You 92. Your Ability to Put Others at Ease 93. Your Ability to Improvise 94. Your Private Nature 95. Your Sense of Romance 96. Your Sense of Timing 97. Your Memory 98. Your Readiness to Have Your Friend’s Back 99. Your Readiness to Forgive FAQs References

When was the last time you took inventory of all the things to like about yourself?

If you’ve never done that, now’s the time to try.

Or why else would you be here?

After all, real humility is impossible without self-love.

You can appreciate all there is to love about you without being arrogant or blind to your weaknesses.

So, what are positive things about yourself?

And how long a list can you make?

99 of the Best Things to Love About Yourself

Once you’ve looked through the following list, make one of your own titled, “What I like about me” or “My favorite things about myself.”

See if you can come up with at least as many as you see here.

1. Your Ability to Love

Loving others and being loved makes life worth living. And we start early.

2. Your Personality

No one else has your unique personality. It’s a work in progress but one worth celebrating.

3. Your Creativity

Even if you don’t pride yourself on being innovative or artistic, your mind is inherently creative.

4. Your Relationships

Loving relationships are at the top of your list of the best things in life.

5. Your Family

You’d do anything for them. It’s not a perfect family, but it’s yours.

6. Your Perspective

It changes as you learn more and grow. And you’re not ashamed to share it.

7. Your Sense of Humor

Not everyone understands or appreciates it. But you do.

8. Your Smile

One genuine smile changes the way you think about something or someone. It’s magic.

9. Your Laugh

When you laugh, it has an immediate positive effect on your body and mind. It’s therapy.

10. Your Sense of Direction

You’re learning how to rely on your internal guidance system.

11. Your Eyes

They don’t have to be perfect. What do you love most about them?

12. Your Hair

There’s something to love about every kind of hair out there.

13. Your Teeth

If you have them, and they work as intended, that’s reason enough to celebrate.

14. Your Skin

Think of what your skin does for you on a daily basis. Show it some love today.

15. Your Body

Your body is exactly the one you need to become the person you were born to be.

16. Your Nose

It’s easy to take nasal breathing for granted until you get a head cold.

17. Your Ears

It’s not just about what they do for you. What do you like about your ears?

18. Your Shoulders

Consider the weight they can carry (literally as well as figuratively).

19. Your Stomach

When your gut isn’t working as it should, you feel it on every level.

20. Your Heart

Take a moment to appreciate your heartbeat and all that it means to you.

21. Your Lungs

Why do we feel calmer when we focus on our breathing?

22. Your Kidneys

Those hard-working little beans work around the clock to keep your blood clean.

23. Your Liver

Thank your liver for everything it does—from energy metabolism to immune support to detoxification.

24. Your Bones

It’s not just what they do but what’s inside them (much like you).

25. Your Pancreas

This little workhorse helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which affect everything.

26. Your Thyroid Gland

A dysfunctional thyroid affects your metabolism, bowel function, heart rate, temperature sense, and menstrual regularity.

27. Your Interests

Your interests are many and varied. And you easily make connections between them.

28. Your Education

Be grateful for what you’ve learned up to this point, wherever and however you learned it.

29. Your Financial Savviness

If you’re good with money, you can make a little go farther than most.

30. Your Tech Savviness

You know your way around technology. And you’re always learning.

31. Your Patience

Patience is something you learn by practicing it—with others and with yourself.

32. Your Senses

Be grateful for the senses you have and for what they allow you to experience.

33. Your Intuition

You’ve come to rely on that inner voice. It’s a lot faster than your thinking mind.

34. Your Sensitivity

Challenging as it can be, your sensitivity gives you an edge when connecting with others.

35. Your Open-Mindedness

You welcome perspectives different from your own—and what you can learn from them.

36. Your Sense of Style

The better you know your true self, the more your style reflects it.

37. Your Taste in Music

Not everyone shares your taste in music, but you know what you like.

38. Your Love of Reading

Your TBR (“to be read”) list is a long one. If only you could read for a living.

39. Your Taste in Books

You have a built-in radar for the kinds of books that keep you up at night (reading).

40. Your Taste in Movies/Entertainment

You remember the ones you’ve enjoyed the most. And you don’t hesitate to defend them.

41. Your Ability to See the Good in Other People

You believe everyone has good in them, whatever choices they’ve made.

42. Your Passion

When you believe in something or someone, your passion is palpable.

43. Your Confidence

You know your value, and you don’t shy away from advocating for yourself.

44. Your Ability to Trust

You’ve learned that love is worth the risk. And your trust inspires others to do better.

45. Your Self-Control

You rule your appetites, not the other way around.

46. Your Determination

You don’t give up without giving your all, especially when the outcome affects others.

47. Your Intelligence

Your mind is open, agile, and adaptable. Even when you’re playing, you’re learning.

48. Your Compassion

When you see suffering, you want to ease it. You don’t take pleasure in anyone’s pain.

49. Your Hugs

You give a great hug. And you appreciate the same from others.

50. Your Affectionate Nature.

You’re quick to offer one of your world-class hugs, though you don’t force them on anyone.

51. Your Generosity

You’re quick to share your resources with others, especially those in need.

52. Your Talents

You appreciate your talents and strive to make the most of them.

53. Your Skills

You’re proud of the skills you’ve learned and enjoy putting them to good use.

54. Your Strength

You’re grateful for the strength you have—in your body or your mind (or both).

55. Your Tenacity

You hold onto your goals and keep moving toward them, even when things get rough.

56. Your Resilience

Whatever life throws at you, you adapt and keep going.

57. Your Weaknesses

Everyone has them, and you’re not ashamed of yours. You embrace your imperfection.

58. The Way Your Mind Works

You love your mind and the way it approaches new problems and new people.

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59. Your Ability to Learn from Your Mistakes

For you, every mistake is a learning opportunity. You don’t dwell on the negatives.

60. Your Ability to Feel Joy and to Celebrate

You connect to other people’s joy and feel it with them. And you share your own.

61. Your Ability to Feel Sadness and to Grieve

You grieve with those who suffer. And you don’t allow your sadness to isolate you.

62. Your Ability to Heal

You choose healing for yourself, just as you want it for others.

63. Your Ability to Help Others Heal

Your thoughtfulness toward others reminds them they are loved and speeds their healing.

64. Your Love of Justice

You have a low tolerance for injustice. And you’re not afraid to call it out and take action.

65. Your Zest for Life

Sure, some days are rough, but life is beautiful. You don’t want to miss a thing.

66. Your Love of Beauty

You see beauty and magic everywhere you are. How did you get so lucky?

67. Your Readiness to Embrace Inconvenience for a Greater Good

You don’t mind sacrificing your convenience to gain something better, even if it’s not for you.

68. Your Tender Heart

You’re a certified “bleeding heart” and proud of it.

69. Your Sense of Adventure

You crave excitement—at least some of the time. And you’re not afraid to take risks.

70. Your Sense of Fun

You need your daily dose of fun. And you love bringing joy to others even more.

71. Your Ability to Think Outside the Box.

Your openness to different perspectives makes your thinking more flexible and creative.

72. Your Empathy

You empathize readily with others, feeling some of what they feel.

73. Your Readiness to Help Others

You’re always ready to lend a hand to someone who needs it. You see yourself in others.

74. Your Ability to Benefit from Good Counsel

You pay attention, reflect on the counsel, and then apply it.

75. Your Thoughtfulness Toward Others

You anticipate the needs of others and do what you can to meet them and bring comfort.

76. Your Ability to Say “No”

You don’t let people take advantage of you. You’re nobody’s doormat.

77. Your Resourcefulness

You have a knack for finding new and creative uses for things.

78. Your Ingenuity

You combine intelligence and resourcefulness to find creative solutions.

79. Your Poise

You move and carry yourself with grace and friendly ease.

80. Your Commanding Presence

Something about you commands attention when you walk into a room.

81. Your Quiet Behind-the-Scenes Effectiveness

You move like a ghost, but you have a knack for getting the right things done well.

82. Your Ability to Reinvent Yourself

You know it’s never too late to become the person you want to be. And you’re all in.

83. Your Tendency to Focus on the Positives

You look for the silver lining in every situation and choose to focus on that.

84. Your Quirks or Quirkiness

Everyone has quirks, but not everyone is described as “quirky.” Your weirdness is legendary.

85. Your Ability to Hyperfocus

You work with laser-like focus, tuning out everything else. It’s a superpower.

86. Your Ability to Be a Good Listener

You prioritize active listening, so all who confide in you feel heard and respected.

87. Your Ability to Create Beauty

You are a creator. And you take pleasure in creating beautiful things.

88. Your Ability to See Both Sides of an Issue

You make an effort to understand different viewpoints out of respect for the people who hold them.

89. Your Thirst for Knowledge

Your curiosity drives you to learn as much as you can about the things that interest you.

90. Your Reliability and Trustworthiness

With you, every secret is safe. And the people in your life know they can count on you.

91. Your Readiness to Do Things that Scare You

A life spent in your comfort zone is no life at all. You stretch yourself and push your limits.

92. Your Ability to Put Others at Ease

You have a gift for helping others feel calmer and more focused.

93. Your Ability to Improvise

You’re good at improvising when you don’t have time to prepare.

94. Your Private Nature

You prefer to keep your personal business private, and that has served you well.

95. Your Sense of Romance

You’re full of ideas for keeping the romance alive and celebrating the love of your life.

96. Your Sense of Timing

You have an uncanny ability to say (or do) just the right thing at the right time.

97. Your Memory

It’s almost scary how well you remember specific details from moments in your past.

98. Your Readiness to Have Your Friend’s Back

You’ve got your friend’s back when the world turns against them. And they’ve got yours.

99. Your Readiness to Forgive

You want to forgive all those who have hurt you. You’d rather reconcile and be at peace than punish yourself with a grudge.

Now that you’ve looked through this list of things to love about yourself, which ones resonated with you? And what else comes to mind?

99 Essential Things To Love About Yourself (2024)


How do you answer what do you love most about yourself? ›

“100 Things I Love About Myself” List
  • I love that I am NOT afraid to take risks.
  • I am adventurous.
  • I am a loving and supportive partner.
  • I am a resilient survivor.
  • I respect and love diversity of any kind, which makes me open-minded and accepting.

What are 5 physical features you love about yourself? ›

Five physical features that I like about myself.
  • My hair. I quite like my hair, specifically how thick, soft and strong it is. ...
  • My eyelashes. As much as I don't like my eyebrows and would like them to be at least a bit thicker and a bit darker, I do quite like my eyelashes. ...
  • My fingers. ...
  • My figure. ...
  • My skin.
Mar 10, 2022

How to write 10 things about yourself? ›

Here are some things we should always be able to say about ourselves:
  1. I have followed my heart. I have trusted my inner voice to lead me even when there were easier roads. ...
  2. I have looked for the positive. ...
  3. I am responsible. ...
  4. I am grateful. ...
  5. I have forgiven. ...
  6. I have no regrets. ...
  7. I am honest with myself. ...
  8. I am proud of myself.
Feb 27, 2019

What is self-love best answer? ›

Self-love means that you have an appreciation, affinity, and positive regard for yourself. It's closely related to self-esteem and self-compassion. When you have a strong sense of self-love, you understand your own value and treat yourself in a loving way.

What are 5 ways to love yourself? ›

Here are 13 recipes for self-love that are simple in practice and multifaceted in their benefits.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. ...
  • Don't worry about others' opinions. ...
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes. ...
  • Remember your value doesn't lie in how your body looks. ...
  • Don't be afraid to let go of toxic people. ...
  • Process your fears.
Mar 30, 2023

What are the 5 traits of yourself? ›

The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. The five basic personality traits is a theory coined in 1949 by D. W.

What's your favorite quality about yourself? ›

I'm kind, loving, and compassionate. I make people smile, and I'm witty. I'm resilient, I'm a survivor, and I don't give up. I influence, empower and uplift others in a positive way.

How do you figure out what you love about yourself? ›

Open Up to The People You are Closest With

Vulnerability is one of the best ways to find things to love about yourself. Being honest and vulnerable with the people you care about most enables you to accept and appreciate yourself and be authentic with others.

How do I say I love my self? ›

  1. “When you take care of yourself, you're a better person for others. ...
  2. “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does — that makes you a winner right here.” — ...
  3. “Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters. ...
  4. “I've learned to embrace all the things I find about myself, if they're good and even if they're bad.
Jun 30, 2024

What are my most favorite things about myself? ›

100+ things to love about yourself today and into the future
  • I can embrace change.
  • I'm resilient.
  • I have an appreciation for nature.
  • I have a great sense of humor.
  • I am honest.
  • I'm a supportive best friend.
  • I'm a great listener.
  • I'm independent.

What is the most thing you love about me? ›

10 Things I Love About You
  • I love the way you say my name. ...
  • I love the look on your face when you talk about the things you love. ...
  • I love that you always want to listen to me. ...
  • I love your face. ...
  • I love your empathy. ...
  • I love your laughter. ...
  • I love your warmth. ...
  • I love how you take care of things.
Apr 29, 2024

How to write 100 words about yourself? ›

You can write about yourself using the following steps:
  1. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction. ...
  2. Mention your relevant professional experience. ...
  3. Include important awards and achievements. ...
  4. Share relevant personal details. ...
  5. End with a professional yet friendly tone.
Jun 30, 2024

How to write 25 words about yourself? ›

Positive words to describe yourself
  1. Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  2. Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  3. Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  4. Energetic. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
  5. Experience. ...
  6. Flexible. ...
  7. Hardworking. ...
  8. Honest.
Aug 15, 2022

What do you love the most in yourself? ›

100+ things to love about yourself today and into the future
  • I'm on a self love journey.
  • I'm generous with my loved ones.
  • I'm capable of amazing things.
  • I will live a meaningful life.
  • I embrace my uniqueness.
  • I'm resilient when things go wrong.
  • I'm a good listener.
  • I'm on a wellness journey.

What is the best answer for about yourself? ›

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

How can I tell my love about myself? ›

34 Things You Should Tell Yourself
  • I am lovable.
  • I am a good person.
  • I deserve to be.
  • I am responsible for my own happiness.
  • I profoundly and deeply accept myself.
  • I have realistic expectations of myself.
  • My opinion of me is more important than others' opinion of me.

How do you explain to love yourself? ›

For starters, it can mean:
  1. Talking to and about yourself with love.
  2. Prioritizing yourself.
  3. Giving yourself a break from self-judgement.
  4. Trusting yourself.
  5. Being true to yourself.
  6. Being nice to yourself.
  7. Setting healthy boundaries.
  8. Forgiving yourself when you aren't being true or nice to yourself.
Feb 12, 2020


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.