Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Iconic Pizza Just Hit the Real World (2024)

Updated: Aug. 03, 2023

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle. Alas, my parents refused to buy me nunchucks, katanas or sais, and while I was able to improvise a bō like Donatello’s with an old broomstick, I was not able to use it without repeatedly conking myself in the head.

What I could do just like reptilian heroes, though, was eat pizza like nobody’s business. Even though I’ve since grown up into a semi-respectable adult, that hasn’t changed. When I learned of the existence of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza, I needed to get my hands on it immediately.

Since When Can You Buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza should have been a thing since the late 1980s, but it’s a recent invention tied to the release of a new TMNT movie. (Better late than never, I suppose.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is an animated action-comedy produced by Seth Rogen, featuring an all-star celebrity cast that includes Jackie Chan as Splinter, John Cena as Rocksteady and Rogen himself in the role of Bebop.

To celebrate the seventh Ninja Turtles movie to hit the big screen, Walmart released an exclusive line of TMNT merch, including clothes, toys, school supplies and, of course, food. In addition to snacks, cereal and mac and cheese, there are five varieties of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles frozen pizza:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Review

Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Iconic Pizza Just Hit the Real World (1)Allison Robicelli For Taste Of Home

Let me preface this review by stating that I honestly believe all pizzas are beautiful in their own special way. Is it fair to compare a gas station pizza eaten at 3 a.m. to a wood-fired pie made in the heart of Napoli? A toaster-oven English muffin pizza to an authentic New York slice? The only rule one should accept in regard to pizza is that there are no rules. There is no correct time or place. Pizza needs to be whatever you need, whenever you need it.

That being said, by most culinary standards, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza is not good. I, however, am no snob, and have it within me to see these mass-manufactured frozen pizzas for what they are truly meant to be.

The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book made its debut in 1984, and while Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael have never once become culturally irrelevant, they were at the height of their powers in the late ’80s and early ’90s. This was the era of action figures, live-action movies, funky-fresh Vanilla Ice anthems and, above all, the TMNT animated series. For my generation of latchkey children, this half-hour cartoon was one of our most beloved babysitters, keeping us safely glued to our television sets and out of trouble while we waited for our parents to come home from work.

With no adults at home to prepare after-school snacks, we latchkey kids had to fend for ourselves. Kid Cuisine frozen dinners. Micro Magic fries. Single-serve chicken pot pies. And then there were frozen pizzas; a category which, within itself, contained multitudes. There were pizza rolls and pizza bagels, French bread pizzas and pizza-stuffed Hot Pockets. Every frozen pizza product was wildly different, but they were all objectively terrible and we loved them.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza from Walmart is, too, objectively terrible, and because of that, it’s amazing. The crust is solid and crumbly like lightly salted drywall, much like the store-brand pizzas of 1989. The tomato sauce was pasty, sweet and seasoned with generic Italian seasoning. The cheese was chalky. While the box advertises that each crust is printed with a turtle shell pattern, not a single one of the pizzas I tried looked like a turtle shell, unless you count the fact they were round.

The Verdict

Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Iconic Pizza Just Hit the Real World (2)Allison Robicelli For Taste Of Home

If you’re looking for quality pizza, this is not it. But if you’re looking the sort of nostalgia that cannot be called to mind by classic cartoons or silver-screen reboots alone, then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pizza will, quite literally, feed that craving. It’ll transport you to another time and place and fill your heart with joy. And isn’t that what pizza is truly about?

Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Iconic Pizza Just Hit the Real World (2024)


What brand of pizza did the Ninja Turtles eat? ›

It was both, at different times. The 1990 film featured Domino's, and the Coming Out of Their Shells Tour featured a Pizza Hut deal. When the 2014 movie came out, the latter offered official TMNT Pizza Hut toppings, with a different pizza for each character.

What is the famous saying from the Ninja Turtles? ›

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!

The song is the theme at the end of the movie, and this Ninja Turtles quote gets reused by Splinter when he teases his sons.

What does Casey Jones say to Raphael? ›

Casey Jones: [Raph's hat has come off, revealing his face] Hey, what are you, some sort of punker? Raphael: Huh? Casey Jones: [baiting] God, I hate punkers... Especially bald ones with green make-up who wear... masks over ugly faces. Raphael: That's it.

What is Mikey's favorite pizza? ›

Mikey's Favorite

Mikey likes Pepperoni, Mushrooms and Banana Peppers on his pizza.

What is Raphael's Favourite pizza? ›

Arguably the most popular pizza topping, pepperoni deserves its own food holiday – especially with Raphael's unconditional love for pepperoni pizzas! Load up your pie with extra pepperoni or opt for spicy varieties to spice up this savory salami, Raph's preference.

What is TMNT favorite food? ›

Pizza has been featured as the favorite food of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in several iterations of the franchise, as Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird often ate it for lunch while working on the original comics.

Is Casey Jones good or bad? ›

In the series, Casey has a good heart, but is easily enraged and occasionally bumbling. He loves motorcycles. In a symbolic way, he sees the Turtles as the little brothers he never had. As such, he often comes to their aid against the Shredder, the Foot Clan, or other enemies.

Why is Casey Jones called Casey? ›

A native of Cayce, Kentucky—the source of his nickname—Jones (1863-1900) began working for the Illinois Central as a fireman in 1888.

Who is Mikey's crush? ›

All four turtle ninjas are enamored with four different female characters (Leo has a secret crush on Karai, Donnie harbors an innocent crush on April, Raph is smitten with Mona Lisa and Mikey is in love with Renet).

What pizza does Spiderman eat? ›

Game. Joe's Pizza is a takeaway and restaurant located in Manhattan, New York City, New York. It is owned by Mr. Aziz.

Who is Mikey's half brother? ›

Shinichiro is Mikey's older brother, Emma and Mikey are half-siblings, likewise for Shinichiro and Emma, and Izana is Mikey and Emma's older adopted brother, but Shinichiro's younger adopted brother.

What kind of pizza does Donatello like? ›

What is the Ninja Turtles' favorite pizza? Leonardo: Onions, black olives, green pepper, and mushrooms. Donatello: Chicken, mushroom, green pepper, and tomatoes. Michelangelo: Pepperoni, ham, pineapple, and jalapeños.

Where did the Ninja Turtles get their pizza from? ›

Antonio's is the Turtles favorite pizza place. In fact, a pepperoni pizza from Antonio's was the very first first food—other than Algae & Worms—that the Turtles ever tasted. They first had Antonio's pizza in Rise Of The Turtles. Boxes from Antonio's Pizza-Rama have appeared cluttering up the lair in several episodes.

Who sponsors TMNT pizza? ›

Pizza Hut sponsored the whole marketing campaign, reportedly to the tune of $20 million. Here's on the matter: "Over 2 million cassette tapes of the show's soundtrack were sold that year with the purchase of a personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.