Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (2024)

By Guardian - Amy Sedghi(now) andKevin Rawlinson(earlier) Fri 7 Jun 2024 13.49

Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air - reports. Israeliforces bombarded aGazarefugee camp on Friday after a deadly strike on aUN-run school there, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP).

LIVEUpdated3m ago

Refugee camps under fire across region, according to reports

Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospitalinDeir al-Balah, centralGaza, said at least 37 people were killed in Thursday’s Israeli strike on the UN-run school inNuseirat camp.

AFP report that the Israeli military said its fighter jets killed nine “terrorists” in three classrooms where about 30 militants fromHamasandIslamic Jihadwere hiding.

TheUnited Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa), said hundreds of displaced Palestinians were sheltering at the school, which was “hit without prior warning”.

UN secretary-generalAntónio Guterresdescribed the strike as “horrific”, whileEgypt’s foreign ministerAhmed Abu Zeidcondemned what he called the “deliberate bombing of an Unrwa school”.

“Israeli violations of Palestinian rights continue day after day, in full view of the civilised world,” Zeid said on X.

A day after the school was struck, eyewitnesses told AFP that the Nuseirat refugee camp came under attack again as Gaza faced Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air.

Witnesses also reported Israeli strikes east of Deir al-Balah and intense fire from army vehicles near theBureij camp, where a blaze was raging.

The Israeli military said it “eliminated dozens of terrorists” in eastern Bureij and Deir al-Balah. According to AFP, it released footage of soldiers conducting operations in bombed-out buildings in the southern city ofRafah.

Six people were killed and several injured in an Israeli strike on theWafatihome inMaghazi camp, a source at al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital told AFP.

Fighter jets targeted theal-Sultan neighbourhoodof Rafah, sources in the city on the border with Egypt told the news agency.

Gaza also came under fire from the sea, with Israeli warships bombarding homes in the fishers’s port and other areas west ofGaza City, an AFP correspondent said.

Osama al-Kahlutof thePalestinian Red Crescent Societysaid “occupation forces and snipers” east of Deir al-Balah were firing on people along Gaza’s main thoroughfare.

“Gunfire on Salaheddin Street has severely restricted people’s movement, and several wounded people have been evacuated from the area,” he told AFP.

ShareUpdated at13.40 BST4m ago13.49BST

Egypt’s state-linked Al-Qahera news quoted a high-level source on Thursday, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP), saying thatCairohad “received positive signs from the Palestinian movement signalling its aspiration for a ceasefire”.

But theBeirut-based seniorHamasofficialOsama Hamdancast doubt on the proposal, calling it “just words”, reports AFP.

Qatarsaid on Thursday that Hamas has not yet given its response to the truce plan.

AFP reports that major sticking points include Hamas insisting on a permanent truce and full Israeli withdrawal – demandsIsraelhas rejected.

Share30m ago13.23BST

A day after the school was struck, eyewitnesses told AFP that the Nuseirat refugee camp came under attack again as Gaza faced Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air.

Witnesses also reported Israeli strikes east of Deir al-Balah and intense fire from army vehicles near theBureij camp, where a blaze was raging.

The Israeli military said it “eliminated dozens of terrorists” in eastern Bureij and Deir al-Balah. According to AFP, it released footage of soldiers conducting operations in bombed-out buildings in the southern city ofRafah.

Six people were killed and several injured in an Israeli strike on theWafatihome inMaghazi camp, a source at al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital told AFP.

Fighter jets targeted theal-Sultan neighbourhoodof Rafah, sources in the city on the border with Egypt told the news agency.

Gaza also came under fire from the sea, with Israeli warships bombarding homes in the fishers’s port and other areas west ofGaza City, an AFP correspondent said.

Osama al-Kahlutof thePalestinian Red Crescent Societysaid “occupation forces and snipers” east of Deir al-Balah were firing on people along Gaza’s main thoroughfare.

“Gunfire on Salaheddin Street has severely restricted people’s movement, and several wounded people have been evacuated from the area,” he told AFP.

ShareUpdated at13.40 BST53m ago13.00BST

Al-Masirah TV, the main television news outlet run byYemen’sHouthimovement, said on Friday thatUSandBritishforces had carried out four airstrikes on the airport ofHodeidahand the seaport ofSalif, to the north.

We will update with more information when it comes in via the newswires.

The scenes we are seeing unfold in Israel and Gaza mark a new chapter in the Middle East conflict. The consequences and scale of losses are already devastating, and the recent attack – and the war that now follows – is likely to shape global politics for years to come.

With correspondents on the ground and reporters updating this liveblog 24/7, the Guardian is well-placed to provide comprehensive, fact-checked reporting, to help all of us make sense of this perilous moment for the region. Reader-funded and free from commercial influence, we can report fearlessly on world events as they develop.

1h ago12.41BST

Labour party leaderKeir Starmeris planning to use theLabour manifestoto make his strongest commitment onPalestinian statehoodsince the war inGazastarted, sources have told the Guardian, in a move to shore up the party’s core support on the left.

People with knowledge of the document say theLabourleader is expected to include a pledge to recognise Palestine before the end of any peace process, and to make sure such a move does not get vetoed by a neighbouring country.

The final version of the manifesto will be agreed in a meeting with unions on Friday and launched officially next Thursday.

Labour sources say it will be a cautious package of measures, without many retail policy announcements, unlike the more policy-heavy manifestos the party published underJeremy Corbynin 2017 and 2019.

One source who has seen the draft manifesto document said: “Everybody is incredibly concerned about making any financial commitments because the Conservatives can weaponise that. But if you don’t have any funding, you’re not going to have any policies.”

You can read the full piece byKiran StaceyandPippa Crerarhere:

Keir Starmer expected to push for Palestinian state in Labour manifesto

Share2h ago12.13BST

Gaza death toll passes 36,700, says health ministry

More than 36,731 Palestinians have been killed and 83,530 have been injured in Israeli military offensive, the Gaza health ministry says.

Reuters reports that the ministry said 77 Palestinians were killed and 221 injured in the past 24 hours.

ShareUpdated at12.33 BST3h ago11.21BST

The latest edition of the Guardian’sToday in Focuspodcast focuses on theIsraeliprotesters trying to stop food aid getting toGaza.

Since the start of the year, groups of Israeli demonstrators have been gathering, first on the border with Gaza and then later in theWest Bank, to lie down in front of food trucks – or in the West Bank even to attack them and their drivers – to try to prevent food aid getting into Gaza.

For the podcast,Emma Graham-Harrisonwent to speak to the protesters to find out who they are and why they are trying to prevent supplies getting into theGaza Strip. She tellsMichael Safihow, while their actions may seem extreme, believing aid should not be sent toGazais a worryingly mainstream view in Israel.

Michael Safi hears too about other protesters – those who are trying to help the truck drivers get through. Emma tells Michael of her interview with an activist fromStanding Togetherwho has risked his life to try to ensure people in Gaza will get aid.

The Israeli protesters trying to stop food aid getting to Gaza – podcastRead more

Share4h ago10.19BST

Yemen's Houthi rebels detain at least 9 UN staffers and others in sudden crackdown, officials say

At least nineYemeniemployees ofUNagencies have been detained by Yemen’sHouthirebels under unclear circ*mstances, authorities said on Friday, reports the Associated Press (AP). The news agency adds that others working for aid groups are also likely to have been taken.

The detentions come as the Houthis, who seized Yemen’s capital nearly a decade ago and have been fighting aSaudi-led coalition since shortly after, have been targeting shipping throughout theRed Seacorridor over theIsrael-Hamaswar in theGaza Strip.

The AP reports that the Houthis have cracked down at dissent in Yemen, including recently sentencing 44 people to death.

Regional officials, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to brief journalists, confirmed the UN detentions.

Those held include staff from the UN’s human rights agency, its development programme, theWorld Food Programmeand one working for the office of its special envoy, the officials said. The wife of one of those held is also detained.

The AP said that the UN declined to immediately comment.

According to the AP’s report, theMayyun Organization for Human Rights, which similarly identified the UN staffers held, named other aid groups whose employees were detained by the Houthis across four provinces the Houthis hold –Amran,Hodeida,SaadaandSaan’a. Those groups did not immediately acknowledge the detentions.

“We condemn in the strongest terms this dangerous escalation, which constitutes a violation of the privileges and immunities of United Nations employees granted to them under international law, and we consider it to be oppressive, totalitarian, blackmailing practices to obtain political and economic gains,” the organisation said in a statement.

The AP reports that Yemen’s Houthi rebels and their affiliated media organisations did not immediately acknowledge the detentions. However, theIranian-backed rebels planned for weekly mass demonstrations after noon prayers Friday, when Houthi officials typically speak on their actions.

It is unclear what exactly sparked the detentions, reports the AP. However, the news agency says, it comes as the Houthis have faced issues with having enough currency to support the economy in areas they hold – something signaled by their move to introduce a new coin into the Yemeni currency, the riyal.

Yemen’s exiled government inAdenand other nations criticised the move as the Houthis turning to counterfeiting. Aden authorities also have demanded all banks move their headquarters there.

ShareUpdated at10.23 BST4h ago09.46BST

Al Jazeera reports, citingGaza’s civil defence, that two bodies and several injured people were recovered afterIsraeliforces targeted a house nearal-Salam mosquein theSabraneighbourhood ofGaza City.

Share4h ago09.35BST

TheTimes of Israelreports that theIsrael Defense Forces (IDF)said they had killed “dozens of terror operatives amid an ongoing operation in east Buriej and east Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip”

The IDF said the head of aHamasrocket-launching cell was also killed in an airstrike in thecentralGazaarea. It added that IDF troops had “located tunnel shafts and demolished infrastructure used by terror groups in the area”.

ShareUpdated at09.44 BST5h ago09.13BST

Unemployment in theGaza Striphas reached nearly 80% since the war withIsraelbegan last October, the UN labour agency said on Friday, bringing the average unemployment rate acrossPalestinian territoriesto more than 50%.

Unemployment in theGazaStrip has reached 79.1%, while theWest Bankhas seen joblessness hit nearly 32%, theInternational Labour Organization (ILO)said in its fourth assessment of the impact of the war on employment. The figures give a combined unemployment rate of 50.8%.

“This excludes Palestinians who have given up on finding a job,” saidRuba Jaradat, ILO regional director for Arab states, reports Reuters. “The situation is much worse,” warned Jaradat.

Reuters reports that around half of the Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million people lived below the poverty line even before the war.

“Imagine with this very high level of unemployment, people will not be able to secure food for themselves and for their families,” Jaradat said.
“This is also impacting their health …. Even if they have money, there are no hospitals that can accommodate the catastrophic situation there.”

“In the occupied Palestinian territory and particularly in the West Bank, the reduction in incomes has pushed many families into severe poverty,” Jaradat said.

Share5h ago08.52BST

QatariandEgyptianmediators, backed by theUS, have stepped up efforts to reach a ceasefire deal, that will halt hostilities and see the release ofIsraelihostages and a number ofPalestiniansjailed byIsrael, but sources close to the talks said there were no signs of a breakthrough, reports Reuters.

Since a brief week-long truce in November, all attempts to arrange a ceasefire have failed, withHamasinsisting on its demand for a permanent end to the conflict. Israel says it is prepared to discuss only temporary pauses until the militant group is defeated.

“We have shown all the flexibility needed to reach a deal but the Israeli occupation continues to refuse any commitment to end the aggression and pull its forces from theGazaStrip,” a Hamas official told Reuters.

“The occupation and the Americans are to blame for the absence of a deal so far because they don’t want this war on our people to end,” he said.

Share5h ago08.44BST

Israeli forces step up bombing of Rafah as tanks try to push west

With no sign of progress in mediators’ efforts to reach a ceasefire in theGazawar,Israeliforces poundedRafahfrom the air and ground overnight as tanks tried to advance farther west, residents told Reuters.

Fierce gun battles between Israeli troops andHamas-led Palestinian fighters were also taking place, the news agency reports.

Residents said tanks that have taken control along the borderline withEgyptmade several raids towards the west and the centre of the southern city, injuring several residents who had been trapped inside their homes and were taken by surprise.

“I think the occupation forces are trying to reach the beach area of Rafah, the raids and the bombing overnight were tactical, they entered under heavy fire before they retreated,” a Palestinian man told Reuters.

“It was one of the worst nights, some people were wounded inside their homes, before being evacuated this morning,” he told Reuters via a chat app.

Israeli forces have also operated inside theal-Bureij campin the centralGaza Stripon the ground, while it kept two other camps and a city nearby under heavy bombardment from planes and tanks, killing and injuring several Palestinians, medics said.

According to Reuters, the armed wings of Hamas, theIslamic Jihad, and smaller other groups reported their fighters carried out attacks against invading Israeli forces in several areas in central and southern Gaza.

ShareUpdated at08.49 BST6h ago08.18BST

UN warns of risk of broader conflict along Israel-Lebanon border

UNsecretary-generalAntónio Guterrescalled on Thursday for an end to hostilities along the demarcation line betweenLebanonandIsrael, warning of the risk of a broader conflict, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Israeli prime ministerBenjamin Netanyahu, visiting the northern border area after eight months of war withHamasthat has devastatedGaza, warned on Wednesday that Israel was “prepared for a very intense operation” along the border.

“As the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line continue, the secretary-general renews his calls to the parties to urgently cease fire,” UN spokespersonStéphane Dujarricsaid in a statement, referring to the demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon.

“These exchanges of fire could trigger a broader conflict with devastating consequences for the region,” he added.

6h ago07.53BST

Israel's Netanyahu to address US Congress on 24 July

Israel’s prime ministerBenjamin Netanyahusaid he will “present the truth” about the war againstHamasinGazawhen he addresses theUS Congresson 24 July during a visit toWashington, Republican leaders said on Thursday, according to Reuters.

Netanyahu will speak to a joint session of theHouse of Representativesand theSenate, House speakerMike Johnsonand Senate minority leaderMitch McConnellsaid in a statement.

“I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world,” Netanyahu said in the statement, reports Reuters.

Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (1)

Netanyahu’s visit comes amid tensions between him and US presidentJoe Biden, who has supported Israel’s campaign inGazabut has recently been more critical of its tactics and withheld shipment of some bombs.

Reuters reported that it was not immediately clear if Netanyahu would meet with Biden during his US visit.

Senate majority leaderChuck Schumersaid in a separate statement that he had joined in making the invitation to Netanyahu.

“I have clear and profound disagreements with the prime minister, which I have voiced both privately and publicly and will continue to do so,” Schumer said. “But because America’s relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends one person or prime minister I joined the request for him to speak.”

Netanyahu’s appearance before a growingly dividedCongressis sure to be contentious and likely to be met with protests both inside theCapitolfrom lawmakers and outside bypro-Palestinianprotesters.

Democratic lawmakers most critical of Netanyahu’s strategy are expected to be no-shows. SenatorBernie Sanders, the independent who once ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, said: “Netanyahu is a war criminal. I certainly will not attend.”

ShareUpdated at07.57 BST6h ago07.40BST

‘We have normalised horror’ says agency official, after Israeli strike on school

Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (2)

Patrick Wintour

Patrick Wintour is diplomatic editor for the Guardian.

Mass casualty incidents caused by theIsraelimilitary offensive insouthern Gazaare becoming normalised in the west and leading to a sense of fatalism inside Gaza itself, according toSam Rose, the director of planning for thePalestinian relief agency Unrwa.

He was speaking after an Unrwa school atNuseiratwasbombed by Israeli forces leaving at least 33 dead, including 12 women and children.

“When everyone is living in cramped, overcrowded conditions, we always said it would be inevitable that there would be incidents such as the one that happened overnight in the school in Nuseirat.”

Rose, who had just returned toLondonafter five weeks inGaza, said: “There were about 6,000 people sheltering in that school. There are rules of war that we call on all sides of the conflict to adhere to: to protect the inviolability of our installations. There are also principles of distinction, and of proportionality.

“People will have been sheltering in the courtyard of the school in the most desperate of conditions and there will have been no warning that this strike has taken place. It happened in the middle of the night about 2am.

Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (3)

“We’ve seen this time and time again, to the extent that it’s almost become normalised. In previous conflicts, single incidents like this would cause shock and outrage and would be remembered forever. Whereas it seems in this conflict it will be this one will be replaced by another in a few days’ time unless it all comes to an end. So, it almost becomes commonplace and mundane that these things are happening. We have normalised horror.”

Washington has said it expects Israel to be fully transparent in making information about the strike public.

You can read Patrick’s full piece here:

‘We have normalised horror’ says agency official, after Israeli strike on schoolRead moreShareUpdated at08.00 BST6h ago07.36BST

Opening summary

It has gone 9.30am inGazaandTel Aviv, welcome to our latest live blog on theIsrael-Gazawar and the widerMiddle Eastcrisis.

Israeliprime ministerBenjamin Netanyahuwill address theUS Congresson 24 July “to build on our enduring relationship and to highlight America’s solidarity with Israel,” US political leaders have said in a statement, adding that the Israeli leader was being invited to give the “Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combatting terror, and establishing a just and lasting peace in the [Middle East] region”.

The letter, signed by House speakerMike Johnson, Senate majority leaderChuck Schumer, Senate Republican leaderMitch McConnelland House Democratic leaderHakeem Jeffries, comes a day after Israelsaid it had bombed aUNschoolincentral Gaza. Palestinian medics and officials said three women and nine children were among the more than 30 killed. Dozens more were injured.

Netanyahu’s appearance before a growingly divided Congress is sure to be contentious and likely to be met with protests both inside theCapitolfrom lawmakers and outside bypro-Palestinianprotesters.

Democratic lawmakers most critical of Netanyahu’s strategy are expected to be no-shows. SenatorBernie Sanders, the independent who once ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, said: “Netanyahu is a war criminal. I certainly will not attend.”

More on that soon. In other developments:

  • The US has called on Israel to be transparent over astrike on a UN schoolin Gaza, after Palestinian medics and officials said women and children were among the dead while Israel claimed it was unaware of civilian casualties. “The government of Israel has said that they are going to release more information about this strike, including the names of those who died in it. We expect them to be fully transparent in making that information public,” state department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters.
  • Israel claimed it had carried out a precision strike on the facility targeting “20 or 30” Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters who took part in the 7 October attack on Israel and who were planning further attacks on Israelis. Military spokesperson Lt Col Peter Lerner said he was not aware of any civilian casualties.
  • At least 33 people were killed in the attack including three women and nine children, Palestinian medics and witnesses said, after Israeli missiles hit the Unrwa-run school where thousands of displaced people were sheltering. Hamas denied that its militants had been operating from the school. Unrwa head Philippe Lazzarini called the attack a “blatant disregard of international humanitarian law” and demanded those responsible be held accountable.
  • The US called on Israel to stop blocking revenues to the Palestinian Authority, warning Israel it would see a “massive” negative impact if the Palestinian Authority collapses.“We have made clear to the government of Israel in some very direct conversations that there is nothing that could be more counter to the strategic interests of Israel than the collapse of the Palestinian Authority,” US state department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters.
  • The White House alsoissued a statementon behalf of a number of nations calling for Hamas and Israel to agree to a ceasefire and hostage deal.Signatories included the US, the UK, Germany, France and Spain. “At this decisive moment, we call on the leaders of Israel as well as Hamas to make whatever final compromises are necessary to close this deal,” the statement read.
  • Qatari foreign ministry spokesperson Majed Al-Ansari said on Thursday that Hamas has not yet handed mediators its response to the latest ceasefire proposaland is still studying it, adding that Qatari, Egyptian and the US mediators are still making efforts.
Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (4)
  • At least 36,654 Palestinians have been killed and 83,309 have been wounded in Israel’s military offensive in Gaza since 7 October, the Gaza health ministry said in a statement on Thursday. Sixty-eight Palestinians were killed and 235 injured in the past 24 hours, the ministry added. Thousands more are believed to be buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Israeli attacks.
  • Israeli forces killed three Palestinians and injured at least 13 others in a raid on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Thursday, the Palestinian health ministry and medics said. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said its teams were fired at while recovering some of the dead. Israeli forces and settlers killed 508 Palestinians including 124 children in the West Bank between 7 October and 3 June, the UN agency for humanitarian affairs said in its latestsituation report.
  • UN secretary-general António Guterres called on Thursday for an end to hostilities along the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel, warning that a broader conflict could have “devastating” consequences. Daily exchanges of artillery fire between Hezbollah and Israel have intensified in recent days and Netanyahu warned on Wednesday that Israel was “prepared for a very intense operation” along the border.
  • Spain will ask a UN court for permission to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.Foreign minister José Manuel Albares said “We take the decision because of the ongoing military operation inGaza. We want peace to return to Gaza and the Middle East, and for that to happen we must all support the court”.
  • Russia and China, which hold veto powers in the UN security council, raised concerns on Thursday with a US draft resolution that would back a proposal – outlined by US president Joe Biden – for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas. The council’s only Arab member, Algeria, also signalled it was not ready to back the text, diplomats said.
  • Palestinian news agencyWafa reportedthat an Israeli military court had extended the detention of its journalist Rasha Harzallah, from the West Bank city of Nablus, for five days. She was detained on Sunday for unclear reasons, the news agency reported, and is being held in the illegal settlement of Ariel.
  • UK opposition leader Keir Starmer isexpected to use the Labour manifestoto pledge recognition of Palestine before the end of any peace process, sources have told the Guardian, in a move to shore up the party’s core support on the left ahead of parliamentary elections next month.

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Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (5)
Israel-Gaza war live: Gaza facing Israeli attacks from land, sea, and air, witnesses report (2024)


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