Survivors of the Outskirts - Chapter 9 - snowfalloverheaven (2024)

Deep into the uneasy night of the facility, alarms suddenly blared to life, shattering the silence.
Everyone awoke abruptly, disoriented by the jarring sound and the strange song composed mostly of drums, bass, and synths.
"Warning: this is not a drill. The first trumpet has been reached," a feminine voice announced urgently through the intercom.
"What the f*ck is going on?" Jaiden groaned, still groggy from sleep.

"No time to complain! Get up, we need to figure out what's happening!" Rando commanded, leaping out of the comfort of his makeshift bed with a sense of urgency.
"First trumpet?" Josef questioned, rubbing his eyes in confusion.
"Already?" Dwayne yawned, stretching leisurely.
"Finally, some action," Marcos remarked with a hint of excitement, jumping out of his bed with surprising enthusiasm.

Quickly, everyone gathered in the main room, faces tense with anticipation and confusion.
"What's going on?" Dwayne asked, looking around at the group.
They all shrugged, each wondering the same thing, their faces reflecting the eerie glow of the red emergency lights.
As the strange, rhythmic music continued to play through the sirens, Jaiden's eyes widened with sudden realization.

"I have to check on the medical department," he declared, bolting out of the main room without waiting for a response.
The rest of the group quickly followed, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit corridors.
However, they were abruptly stopped in their tracks by a sudden, chilling sight.

Blocking their path stood a figure, shrouded in darkness, its silhouette barely visible in the flickering emergency lights.
The figure's presence exuded a palpable sense of menace, and the air around them seemed to grow colder.
"Who the hell is that?" Marcos muttered, gripping his weapon tightly.
The figure stepped forward into the light, revealing a twisted, grotesque visage that sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

It wore tattered, blood-stained clothes, and its eyes gleamed with a malevolent glow.
"Identify yourself!" Rando demanded, raising his pitchfork defensively.
The figure let out a guttural, inhuman growl, and lunged at them with terrifying speed.
The group barely had time to react, each scrambling to defend themselves.

Jaiden, closest to the figure, swung his weapon in a desperate attempt to fend it off.
The creature's strength was overwhelming, knocking Jaiden to the ground with a powerful blow.
"Fall back!" Dwayne shouted, firing his dual pistols with precision, the bullets barely slowing the creature down.

As they retreated, the hallway echoed with the sounds of the alarm, the strange music, and the chaotic clash of metal and flesh.
They fought with everything they had, the grim realization sinking in that whatever was happening, it was only the beginning of a far greater nightmare.

The group scrambled into the elevator, slamming the button for the floor below with a frantic urgency.
"C'mon, stupid thing, work!" Marcos shouted, frustration boiling over in his voice.
"Calm down, hitting it over and over won't make it go faster," Dwayne remarked, a disturbing calmness in his tone.
"Easy for you to say, since you own the place now, apparently," Marcos shot back, sarcasm lacing his words.

Before Marcos could utter another word, Dwayne smoothly drew his black pistol, pressing it against Marcos's temple.
"Yeah, sure, buddy. Just press the button and we'll retreat," Dwayne stated with eerie composure.
Josef and Rando stood frozen, eyes wide with shock, unable to interject.
The elevator doors finally slid open, and with a swift motion, Dwayne pushed Marcos to the ground. "Come on, guys, we should be safe here!" Dwayne called out, ushering them.

Rando and Josef leapt out of the elevator, sprinting into the Information Department.
Dwayne stepped on Marcos's head nonchalantly, his dual pistols ready, and continued into the room.
"This f*cking guy," Marcos cursed under his breath, rage seething through his words.

Meanwhile, in another part of the facility, Jaiden was struggling.

He rolled back from the menacing figure, pain coursing through his body, each movement a fresh agony.
"S-someone help," he managed to utter, his voice weak and desperate.
The creature loomed over him, drooling with a savage hunger.
Jaiden tried to rise, but another brutal blow sent him crashing down, bones shattering with a sickening crunch.

Blood flowed freely from his wounds, painting the cold, sterile floor in a stark reminder of his dire situation.
Jaiden's vision blurred as the pain threatened to overwhelm him.
The creature stood above him, a grotesque smile spreading across its twisted face, savoring the moment.
Each breath Jaiden took was labored, each heartbeat a painful reminder of his mortality.

In the Information Department, Dwayne led the group further inside, his movements precise and calculated.
"Secure the area," he commanded, eyes scanning every corner.
Rando and Josef nodded, still in shock but driven by survival instinct.

Marcos, recovering from the earlier confrontation, followed reluctantly, clutching his weapon with a mix of anger and determination.
"We need to regroup and figure out what the hell is going on," he muttered, casting a wary glance at Dwayne.
The atmosphere was thick with tension, every sound amplified by their heightened senses.
They knew they couldn't stay hidden forever; the facility was a labyrinth of danger, and they were right in the middle of it.

As the group fortified their position, the alarms continued to blare, a relentless reminder of the chaos that had engulfed them.
Each second felt like an eternity, the weight of the unknown pressing heavily upon them.
Back with Jaiden, he mustered the last of his strength, eyes locking onto the creature above him.
Desperation fueled his resolve.

"I won't go down without a fight," he thought, clenching his fists despite the pain.
The facility was a battlefield, and every corner held the potential for both salvation and doom.
The group knew that their only hope lay in understanding the mysteries of the first trumpet and the horrors it had unleashed.
But for now, all they could do was survive, each moment a test of their endurance and will to live.

Before Jaiden could react, another humanoid figure emerged from the shadows, clutching a blade in his hand.
His breaths were labored, his stance weak but resolute.
His eyes, however, burned with fierce determination as he locked onto the monstrous figure towering over Jaiden.
"I must finish what I have started," he declared, voice steady despite his exhaustion.
"I won't go down without a fight, and this is no different!" Without warning, he lunged forward, blade glinting under the dim lights.

The creature snarled, shifting its focus from Jaiden to the new challenger.
The air grew thick with tension, every second stretching out as the humanoid closed the distance.
His blade sliced through the air, aiming for the creature’s exposed flank.
With a swift, almost lazy motion, the creature dodged, its eyes narrowing with a predatory gleam.

The room seemed to pulse with the rhythm of their movements, the clash of desperation and savagery.
The humanoid, undeterred, swung again, his attacks fueled by a mix of fear and resolve.

Jaiden, still sprawled on the ground, watched the brutal dance unfold.
Each strike from the humanoid was met with a counter from the creature, its claws flashing dangerously close.
The clang of metal against flesh and bone echoed through the corridor, a violent symphony that reverberated in Jaiden's chest.

The humanoid moved with a frantic energy, his attacks wild but purposeful.
He aimed a powerful strike at the creature’s torso, only for it to be deflected by a swift backhand.
The force sent him staggering, but he recovered quickly, eyes burning with a relentless drive.
He charged again, this time aiming for the creature’s legs.

The blade found its mark, slicing through sinew and muscle.
The creature roared, a sound that shook the walls, but it didn't falter. Instead, it lashed out with renewed ferocity, landing a brutal hit on the humanoid's shoulder.
Blood sprayed from the wound, but the fighter gritted his teeth, refusing to back down.

With a desperate lunge, the humanoid drove his blade into the creature's side.
The monster bellowed in agony, its movements becoming more erratic.
The fighter capitalized on the opening, delivering a series of rapid, vicious strikes that cut deep into the creature's flesh.

But the creature was not defeated yet.
It retaliated with a savage swipe, its claws raking across the fighter's chest.
The humanoid cried out, stumbling back, but he didn’t fall. Instead, he planted his feet firmly, gripping his blade with both hands.

Summoning every ounce of strength, he thrust his weapon forward, driving it deep into the creature's heart.
The monster shuddered violently, a guttural roar escaping its maw before it finally collapsed in a lifeless heap.

The fighter, breathing heavily and covered in blood, stood over the fallen beast, his body trembling from the exertion.
Jaiden, using the momentary respite, forced himself to his feet.
He approached the fighter, who was now leaning on his blade for support, his face a mask of pain and triumph.

"Thank you," Jaiden managed to say, his voice weak but filled with gratitude.
The fighter nodded, offering a weary but determined smile.
"We have to stick together," he replied.
"There are more threats out there, and we need to be ready."

With that, Jaiden and his unexpected savior began to make their way back to the others, each step a painful reminder of the battle they had just survived.
The facility was still a dangerous maze, but now, they had a glimmer of hope, a chance to fight back against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

Marcos aimed his rifle squarely at Dwayne's head, eyes narrowed with lethal intent.
"Hey, architect guy, how about you get a taste of your own medicine?" he snarled, finger tightening on the trigger.
Dwayne's reaction was swift and precise.
With a fluid motion, he pulled out the white pistol from his side and fired a single, precise shot.

The bullet found its mark, striking Marcos in the foot.
Marcos screamed, dropping his rifle and clutching his wounded leg.
"There's no time to fight a child," Dwayne said calmly, his voice dripping with disdain.
He holstered his pistol, his gaze cold and unflinching.

Rando and Josef exchanged a tense glance.
The tension in the air was palpable, and they both knew this confrontation wouldn't end well.
"This won't end well. We have to find Jaiden," Josef whispered urgently to Rando.
Rando nodded in agreement.
Without a moment's hesitation, they turned and left the room swiftly, their footsteps echoing down the dimly lit hallway.

As they moved through the facility, the sounds of Marcos's pained groans faded behind them.
The corridors seemed to close in, the shadows deepening with every step.
They navigated the labyrinthine passages with a sense of urgency, the need to find Jaiden driving them forward.
Each turn brought a new wave of unease, the dim lighting casting eerie shadows on the walls.

They passed rooms filled with remnants of past conflicts, bloodstains and discarded weapons telling a grim story.
The facility felt like a tomb, silent and foreboding.

Finally, they reached the hallway where Jaiden had been last seen.
The air was thick with tension, every creak and groan of the old building amplifying their anxiety.
They pushed forward, the anticipation of what they might find gnawing at their nerves.

Rounding a corner, they saw Jaiden's figure in the distance, struggling to stay upright.
Blood covered his clothes, and he moved with a painful limp.
Relief washed over them, but it was quickly replaced by a renewed sense of urgency.
"Jaiden!" Rando called out, rushing to his side.

"Are you okay?"
Jaiden looked up, his face pale but determined.
"We need to get out of here," he said, his voice strained.
"There's something worse coming."

Josef and Rando exchanged a worried glance but nodded in agreement.
Supporting Jaiden between them, they began the arduous journey back to the main room, each step filled with the weight of their perilous situation.
The facility's oppressive atmosphere seemed to tighten around them, but the trio moved with purpose, determined to survive whatever horrors awaited them.

The warrior who previously saved Jaiden strode into the information room, his presence commanding attention.
He took in the scene: Marcos writhing on the floor, clutching his foot, and Dwayne standing over him, pistol in hand.
"What the hell are you two doing here?" he demanded, his voice firm and unyielding.
"Disposing of a child, what else?" Dwayne replied nonchalantly, not bothering to look up.

It wasn't until Dwayne registered the unfamiliar voice that he glanced toward the door, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.
"Who are you?" he asked ominously, his grip tightening on his pistol.
The warrior, leaning against the wall for support, used his blade as a crutch.
His eyes were sharp and assessing.
"I think your friends left you," he stated, a hint of disdain in his tone.

Dwayne's expression hardened.
"Is that important?" he fired back, trying to mask his unease.
The warrior straightened, his gaze unwavering.
"Pick up that wounded hitman and bring me to the boy with grey hair," he commanded.

For a moment, Dwayne hesitated, the authoritative tone catching him off guard.
But something in the warrior's demeanor, a blend of strength and urgency, compelled him to comply.
He holstered his pistols and moved to help Marcos to his feet.
With Marcos leaning heavily on Dwayne, the makeshift trio began their trek back to the main room.
The once-blaring sirens had fallen silent, leaving an eerie quiet that only heightened the tension.
Every step echoed through the dim corridors, the oppressive silence weighing heavily on them.

The warrior led the way, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.
The facility seemed to close in around them, the shadows lengthening and deepening.
As they approached the main room, the anticipation was palpable.
Upon entering, they were met with a scene of grim determination.

Rando and Josef were tending to Jaiden, who looked battered but resolute.
The air was thick with the aftermath of violence, a stark reminder of their precarious situation.
"We're all here now," the warrior said, his voice cutting through the tension.
"We need to regroup and figure out our next move."

Jaiden's eyes locked onto the warrior, and a surge of uneasiness coursed through him.
The mark on the man's neck was unmistakable.
He knew exactly who he was dealing with.
"You finally regained your consciousness?" Jaiden asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The warrior glanced around, taking in his surroundings with a detached curiosity.
"I don't remember much about how I got here," he admitted, "but this suits me just fine."
He turned back to the group, his expression calm.

"Call me Winston," he introduced himself, a slight smile playing on his lips.
The others exchanged wary glances, suspicion hanging thick in the air.
The atmosphere was tense, the silence heavy with unspoken questions.
Rando broke the silence.

"Jaiden brought you in here while you were on a hospital bed," he pointed out, his tone cautious.
Winston raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusem*nt flickering in his eyes.
"Oh really?" he said with a chuckle.
"Damn, never knew that."

Jaiden couldn't shake his unease, but he forced himself to focus.
"What matters now is figuring out what triggered those alarms," he said, trying to steer the conversation back to the urgent issue at hand.
Winston nodded, his expression turning serious.
"Agreed. We need to get to the bottom of this."
Rando and Josef finished tending to Jaiden, helping him to his feet.
Despite his injuries, he stood tall, determination etched on his face.

"We need a plan," Marcos said, his voice grim as he leaned heavily against the wall.
Winston's eyes scanned the room, taking in each person.
"First, we need to secure this facility. Ensure there are no immediate threats.
Then we investigate the source of the alarms."

The group nodded, the weight of their situation settling in.
Despite the blood and chaos around them, there was a renewed sense of purpose.

Winston turned to Jaiden, his gaze steady.
"Lead the way."
Jaiden took a deep breath, his unease momentarily forgotten.
He stepped forward, the others falling into step behind him.
The facility was eerily silent, the shadows seeming to shift and twist as they moved through the corridors.

Every corner, every doorway was a potential threat. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation.
As they approached the control room, the lights flickered ominously.
Winston signaled for them to stop, his eyes narrowing.
"Stay alert," he whispered.

Jaiden's heart pounded in his chest as they edged closer.
The control room door was slightly ajar, a faint light spilling out into the hallway.
Jaiden pushed the door open, revealing the source of the alarms.
The control panel was a mess of blinking lights and warning messages.

Someone had sabotaged the system.

"Who could have done this?" Josef asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Winston stepped forward, examining the damage.
"Someone with access and knowledge of this facility," he said, his tone grim.
As they worked to repair the damage, the sense of urgency only grew.

Time was running out, and they needed answers.
But for now, they had each other, and they had a mission.
And that was enough to keep them going, even in the face of the unknown.

The lights flickered once before plunging the facility into darkness, signaling the enforced curfew.
"Oh my god, seriously?" everyone groaned in unison, the frustration palpable.
Dwayne, unfazed by the collective irritation, turned to Winston.
"Hey, Winston, isn't it? Yeah, you're coming with me," he stated, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Winston, still battered from the recent ordeal, nodded wearily and followed Dwayne.
Every step was a reminder of the pain coursing through his body, but he pushed forward, determined.
They ascended to the information department, the darkness making the journey even more treacherous.
Marcos, lingering in the shadows, watched them with thinly veiled envy.

"This is our new home," Marcos stated, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he glanced at Dwayne.
Dwayne, sensing the undercurrent of hostility, simply smirked.
"Home, sweet home," he replied, his tone mocking.

Winston's eyes scanned the room, taking in the cold, clinical surroundings.
The information department was stark, its sterile environment a stark contrast to the chaos they had just left behind.
Marcos crossed his arms, leaning against the wall with a sneer.
"So, what's the plan, Dwayne? Gonna enlighten us, or are we just supposed to stumble around in the dark?"

Dwayne's eyes narrowed.
"The plan, Marcos, is to survive. And to do that, we need information. This department holds the key to understanding what we're up against."
Winston, despite his weariness, nodded in agreement.
"He's right. We need to gather all the intel we can. Find out who sabotaged the system and why."

Marcos rolled his eyes but didn't argue further.
The tension in the room was thick, each of them acutely aware of the fragile alliance they had formed.
As they settled into the new space, the silence was broken only by the distant hum of machinery and the occasional creak of the facility settling into the night.
Each of them knew that this uneasy peace wouldn't last, that the darkness held secrets yet to be uncovered.
For now, they would rest.

But come morning, the hunt for answers would begin in earnest.
And in this new, uncertain world, knowledge was their only weapon.

Survivors of the Outskirts - Chapter 9 - snowfalloverheaven (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.