Table of contents for June 2022 in Reader's Digest (2024)

Home//Reader's Digest/June 2022/In This Issue

Reader's Digest|June 2022LETTERSWhere Have All the Nurses Gone?I was made to be a nurse and can’t see myself in any other profession. Your article about the nursing shortage (March/April) came just as the Federal Trade Commission began investigating travel nursing rates. Capping their pay can only negatively affect all nurses. Health-care executives make millions, and nurses deserve higher wages instead of pay scrutiny. That would certainly help the shortage.—NICOLE VIDAK Swanton, OhioPandemic Silver LiningsThese quarantine silver linings (March/April) were a welcome relief. I could see the smiles of the senior couple who found “A New Chance at Love” during the pandemic. I felt energized to get outside by the bicycling family in “The Road Less Pedaled.” I felt the grandmother’s joy in leading virtual “Grandmagarten” for her grandson. It gave me hope…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Dads on DutyON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2021, just weeks into the school year, two groups of boys brawled across the courtyard at Southwood High School in Shreveport, Louisiana. The following day, two groups of girls picked up where the boys had left off. In a mere two days, 23 students were in police custody. One was charged with battery for allegedly hitting an assistant principal. Another student was charged with threatening a resource officer and a staff member.When a school administrator told her former classmate Craig Lee, a business owner and community activist, that gang tensions were rising, Lee wanted to do something. He contacted Michael La’Fitte, a fellow activist, who had an 11th-grade daughter at Southwood. That Sunday, the two held an emergency meeting with parents and the principal. By the…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022A Goose ChaseGertie, our white Chinese goose, with her companion, Vinnie, a brown Toulouse goose, has laid a clutch of eggs every spring for the past nine years. Gertie faithfully sits on them every spring, but, sadly, the eggs never hatch.Last spring, Gertie injured her leg and was very upset that she couldn’t roam free while she healed—her eggs needed her! My teenage son went down to the shore-line of the lake behind our house and carefully scooped up the eggs in her nest and brought them to her.Weeks later, a miracle happened: An egg hatched! But the gosling peeking out from under Gertie’s wing didn’t resemble either of its parents. It was a Canada gosling like the ones that live on the lake.Our guess is that a Canada goose laid eggs…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Picking PeppersPeppers, especially chilis, are at the center of dishes around the world, from China and India to Ghana and Uganda to Spain and Italy and, of course, to Mexico, where they originated. In fact, all peppers emanated from the Americas, but courtesy of Columbus’s travels between the New World and Spain in the 1500s—and then Portuguese explorers’ bringing them from Brazil to India—they spread far and wide. Today, these colorful, flavorful vegetables are so deeply incorporated into global cuisines that it’s hard to imagine what these chili-centric food traditions might have been like pre-pepper.Peppers range from sweet to spicy to somewhere beguilingly in between. The common bell pepper, a lunch box favorite with not even a hint of heat, comes in yellow, red, orange, and purple varieties, as well as…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022All in a Day’sWORKI began to have doubts about how math is taught in this country when a young cook at my pizzeria said he had a problem. “A customer called, asking for a pie that’s a third cheese, a third pepperoni, and a third combination, ” he said.“So, what’s the problem?” I asked him. “I don’t know what to put on the fourth third.”—ROBERT KEARNEYRancho Cordova, CaliforniaI pulled over a 17-year-old for speeding. When I told him I’d clocked him at 101 mph, he insisted he was doing only 85. “Why do you think that?” I asked.He yelled back, “My speedometer only goes to 85, and I had the gas pedal pushed all the way to the floor!”SOURCE: POLICEONE.COM“Health-care workers are really stressed these days, ” I observed as my nurse in…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Calling All Blood Donors!BLOOD DRIVES at schools and colleges-which make up a large portion of the American Red Cross’s collection sites-have dropped 62 percent. “The need is far greater than the supply, ” says Tiffany Taylor, a spokesperson for the American Red Cross, which supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood. “There’s no replacement for blood.”And the problem is likely to get worse. “As we go into the summer, we see a decline in donations, ” she says. “Schools are out, people are traveling, the weather is nice-so donating blood drops to the bottom of the list.”That’s why RD is putting out a call for all eligible donors to roll up their sleeves and help replenish the blood banks. Your donation could make a huge difference, especially right now.Here are a few…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022ON FATHER’S DAY, EVERY DAD IS A SUPERHERODeadpool actor Ryan Reynolds has a unique perspective on parenthood, which he shares on his Twitter feed, @VancityReynolds.A friend tricked me into going to Wimbledon by telling me it was a men’s singles event.—Comedian ANGELA BARNES…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022FOR SALE My Catalog of Dad JokesFROM MCSWEENEYS.NETI STILL REMEMBER THE first time I told my then-six-year-old son, Lev, that a clam makes calls with its “shell phone.” The laugh of recognition when he first got the joke was a moment I won’t ever forget. When I told it a second time in front of his friends Henry and Amir, I could see how proud he was that I had made his friends laugh. Excuse the bragging, but I was the cool dad.By Lev’s ninth birthday party, things had begun to change. After the seventh or eighth time I asked him “What do you call someone with no body and no nose?” he dismissively rolled his eyes. “I get it, Dad...”“... Nobody knows!”“Stop it, Dad!”I immediately shifted gears into food puns, reminding him and his friends…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Parenting, Passed DownWinning HeartsBoth of my parents chose service professions (teaching and nursing) and spent nights and weekends volunteering. Both taught that a life dedicated to helping others is one full of purpose and meaning.I am a physician and have worked with the homeless community for 11 years. I’m also a mom to two boys who dirt bike. At their first race, my oldest went first and managed to catch a little air. My youngest surprised me even more. Every time a rider fell or crashed, he’d stop and wait until they got up. He lost the race but won at being a good human. Parenting isn’t easy, but it’ll surprise you.—SARA DOORLEY Tijeras, New MexicoJust Fishin’My dad was an avid fisherman and loved taking me with him. We’d wake early and…5 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022The RDLISTFILMTop Gun: MaverickStarring Tom CruiseTOM CRUISE IS BACK to take your breath away in the sequel to the 1986 classic Top Gun. Hotshot Navy pilot Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is now captain at the Top Gun flight school, teaching a new generation of aviators how to wing it—but he can definitely still push Mach 9 in the sky, as his students learn. Trainees include Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller), the skeptical son of the first film’s ill-fated “Goose” character: “My dad believed in you. I’m not going to make the same mistake, ” he says. Although Maverick’s former love, Charlie (Kelly McGillis), is MIA, onetime rival Tom “Iceman” Kazansky (Val Kilmer) returns. And Cruise, a licensed pilot, actually flies a jet. Is it too much to ask for a new…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022WORD POWER1. epitome n.(ih-’pih-tuh-mee)A exact centerB first editionC ideal example2. armada n.(ar-’mah-duh)A long pauseB fleet of shipsC expensive suit3. tacit adj.(‘tass-it)A unspokenB so-soC sticky4. rapier n.(‘ray-pee-er)A gang of thievesB mountain climberC two-edged sword5 loll v.(lahl)A laughB loungeC lick6. hairsbreadth n.(‘hairs-breth)A short distanceB musty smellC flower bud7. nickelodeon n.(nih-kuh-’loh-dee-un)A discount storeB early movie theaterC amusem*nt park8. caustic adj.(‘kaw-stik)A sealed tightB resulting fromC cruelly sarcastic9. oratorio n.(or-uh-’tor-ee-oh)A choral workB shell-shaped pastaC official speech10. magnum n.(‘mag-num)A hunter’s rifleB free thinkerC large wine bottle11. winnow v.(‘wih-no)A zigzagB persuadeC narrow12. gulag n.(‘goo-lahg)A foolB labor campC vegetable stew13. incubi n.(‘in-kyew-by)A starlet’s posseB spider’s eggsC evil spirits14. devoid adj.(dih-’voyd)A lackingB cunningC invalid15. synthesis n.(‘sin-thuh-sis)A blendB copyC rebirthReversible VocabWhat’s more symmetrical than words that end up right back where they started? Palindromes, aka words and phrases that read exactly…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022SPECIAL OFFERThe Best of Reader’s Digest Timeless FavoritesCertain tales stick in our memories and remain timeless as the years march on: a man’s chance meeting with Einstein at a chamber music performance, the harrowing account of a courageous skydiving instructor determined to save an unconscious diver, and a woman’s first-person tale of lucidity during brain surgery. For a limited time, this anthology from Reader’s Digest editors is just $10—and the shipping is on us. To order, visit…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022We’re on the Prowl......for your wildest animal tales! America’s Best Pet Pals is Reader’s Digest’s nationwide search for stories that make you laugh, cry, or purr. We’re especially looking for hero pets, so if your best canine friend suddenly turned into Superdog, we want to hear about it. Many unlikely pet pals—from a poodle and a white-tailed deer to a first grader and some chicks—have been featured in Reader’s Digest, on, and on our social media so far. See terms and submit your story at…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Hey, That’s Me!MY JANDRISEVITS KNOWS the value of a good doll. “Dolls have a power we don’t completely understand, ” she told The Today Show. It’s a conclusion she came to while working as a pediatric oncology social worker using dolls to help her young clients adapt to their changing medical situations. Many of the kids saw themselves in those dolls. But for the kids missing a limb or who had lost their hair, there were none they could relate to.So, seven years ago, when a friend revealed that her child was transgender, Jandrisevits, now 49, knew what might help the youth through this potentially challenging period. “It’s hard to tell a kid, ‘You are perfect the way you are, ’ and to build self-esteem that way, but never offer them anything…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022LIFEMy neighbor was on a mission trip to South America, so his wife attended a dinner party alone. When the woman seated next to her asked why her husband hadn’t come along, my friend explained, “He’s been on the Amazon for four days.”The woman was impressed. “Really? Whatever is he buying?” —Valerie Childress Arp, TexasThese posts on Reddit and beg the question: What is it about food that causes our brain synapses to misfire?✦ Once when I was a waitress, a guy asked me for extra mashed potatoes. I replied, “They’re mashed as much as they can mash them.”✦ Someone told me: “You shouldn’t drink carbonated water, it’s full of carbs.”✦ I was eight months pregnant and saw someone I knew at a restaurant. They said, “OMG, what are…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022HOW TO Stop Losing Your StuffFROM THE WASHINGTON POSTSASHA BRADFORD DOESN’T have time to lose things. She’s a working mom with lots of hobbies, and when she misplaces her keys or leaves her purse at a restaurant, she becomes frustrated and irritable.“It impacts me greatly, ” says Bradford, 35, a Washington, DC-based federal contracting officer. Bradford has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which, she says, makes her “prone to put things places and not remember where I put them.”Her angst is probably familiar to anyone whose phone is MIA a dozen times a day, or who can’t find the TV remote until ten minutes after a favorite show has begun. Such lapses might be accompanied by a nagging fear: Is something wrong with me?Probably not, experts agree. “It’s a common occurrence and certainly annoying, ” says Daniel…6 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022EASY MUHAMMARAMuhammara is a dip that originated in Aleppo, Syria. Delicious with pita and crackers and as part of a larger spread of snacks, this version whips up rapidly with the use of jarred roasted red peppers and a food processor.In a food processor, pulse 3/4 cup lightly toasted walnuts until coarsely ground. Transfer walnuts to a medium mixing bowl. Drain the roasted red peppers from one 12-ounce jar, add them to the food processor, and pulse to a coarse puree. Add to the walnuts along with 1/4 cup toasted bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon Aleppo chili peppers (or other mild chili powder), and 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin. Season with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Serve as a dip, crumbling some…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022An Anti-Migraine DietWELLNESS FROM THEHEALTHY.COMCHRISTY NIELSON, 49, remembers getting her first migraine when she was in third grade. She curled up in the back of the school bus with excruciating pain, not able to find the words to tell her parents what it felt like when she got home. When she hit puberty, the migraines got worse. By her early 20s, she assumed that severe headaches were an unavoidable part of her life. It wasn’t until years later that she finally found a cure... in her kitchen.Migraine is a neurological disease that has a number of symptoms, including moderate-to-severe throbbing head pain that can stick around for anywhere from four hours to several days. According to the American Migraine Foundation, nearly 40 million people in the United States experience these headaches. While…5 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022News FROM THE WORLD OF MEDICINEA NEW WAY TO PROTECT YOUR EARSExposure to loud noise, such as an ear-splitting concert, is a common cause of hearing loss. But now we may have a way to prevent it. A University of Southern California study found that exposure to 100 decibels of sound or more—equivalent to a power lawn mower or motorcycle—causes inner ear fluid buildup and nerve cell damage. However, when researchers applied a salt-based solution inside affected ears one hour after noise exposure, the solution drew out the excess fluid, reducing the damage. After more testing, people exposed to loud noises could be scanned for possible fluid buildup and treated with a prescription that might end up saving their hearing.EXERCISE WON’T RUIN YOUR KNEESIt’s commonly thought that your knees will eventually pay the price if…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022WHERE, OH WHERE?Building this stretch of road was not easy, and neither is hiking the ten-mile trail that begins here. The road and trail offer spectacular views of grassy slopes, glaciers, alpine meadows, and peaks along the Continental Divide. Located in a national park (for more on the parks, turn to page 36), the mountains you see feature contrasting red and green argillite, a sedimentary rock formed by the ancient Belt Sea more than half a billion years ago. But where are they? (Answer on page 115.)A Siyeh Pass, MontanaB Grand Teton, WyomingC Uinta Range, UtahD Pegasus Peak, Idaho…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Advice to the YoungFROM THE BOOK BURNING QUESTIONSWhat advice would I give the young? I have trouble answering this question. Here’s why.Just before Christmas I was in a cheese store, purchasing some cheese, when a very young man of—oh, say, between 40 and 50—entered, manifesting bewilderment. His wife had sent him out to get something called “meringue sugar, ” with strict instructions to buy no other kind, and he didn’t know what the stuff was and couldn’t find it, and nobody in any of the shops he’d so far wandered into had any idea either.He didn’t say this to me. He said it to the cheese shop person. She too appeared to be without a clue as to the meringue sugar mystery. None of this was any concern of mine. I could have—should…11 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022NIGHTMARE ON LAKE SUPERIORFrom Men’s JournalIT WAS MEANT to be another boys’ trip, the latest in a tradition that stretched back more than two decades. Every other year, the old friends—Jim Farrington, 49, an electrical lineman in Alden, Michigan; Sean Royston, 47, an electrical grid systems manager in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin; and Tolan Annis, 53, the co-owner of a craft distillery in Grand Ledge, Michigan—had kissed their wives goodbye and headed out on an expedition. This time they decided to kayak Lake Superior’s Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, a challenging out-and-back route.On the morning of September 13, 2016, they loaded up on food and camping gear, donned waterproof paddling pants and quick-dry T-shirts, and zipped up their life jackets. The forecast called for winds building to ten knots and seas rising to one to…12 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022QUOTABLE QUOTESLean into the things that scare you. That’s what’s worth doing, because that’s what makes you grow.—Lin-Manuel Miranda, PLAYWRIGHT, IN THE NEW YORK TIMESWe’ve always grown stronger the more widely we’ve opened our arms.—Jon Meacham, WRITER, IN THE DOCUMENTARY THE SOUL OF AMERICAI can name a lot of people who have rings. The ring is great, but what you do with that platform to impact other people is way more important.—Russell Westbrook, BASKETBALL PLAYER, IN THE LOS ANGELES TIMESYou’ve got to find something to laugh about at least once a day, be it a dopey cat video or a dad joke.—Whoopi Goldberg, COMEDIAN, IN ALLURESuccess is like sugar. It’s too wonderful, and it burns up very quickly. Failure is like corned beef hash. It takes a while to digest, but…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022The Fairy’s GodmotherShould you find yourself wandering in Alexandria, Virginia, be sure to cast your gaze down. You just might spot a two-inch door at the base of a stone wall, or a vivid teal portal on a tree in front of a frozen custard shop. These “fairy doors” are the creation of Kate Young, 30, for the express use of fairies. Young, got the idea a few years ago after becoming enchanted by a small door in a tree with a stone path and a bridge. So she erected her own tiny structures, about 100 of them in total. One favorite, a tiny post office installed against a dogwood, collected around 100 letters from children asking, “Who are you?” “What are you?” “I am a fairy real estate agent, ” she…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022A Perfect MatchAS AN ONLY child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely in her youth. But that all changed when she turned ten. For her birthday, Renae’s grandmother surprised her with an adorable gray puppy named Chloe.From the very start, the two were inseparable. “She was my best friend, ” Renae says. Every ounce of love Renae gave, the little dog returned tenfold.“She was such a sweet dog, ” Renae says. “She’d lick your face forever if you didn’t stop her.”But when Renae was 14, her father got a new job that came with a devastating caveat: He’d be working from home, and the house needed to be free of audible distractions.“Chloe was very yappy, ” Renae says. “I was just a kid, so I didn’t have any choice in the matter. I…3 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022SCENES FROM A MARRIAGEAre you a June bride- or groom-to-be? Partake in wisdom from those who have come before you: Welcome to marriage, you’ll now provide full details about the quality of your sleep, the number of times you peed, and any areas of pain before you even open your eyes in the morning.@MumInBitsSleeping under separate blankets should have been the marriage advice everybody gave me a year and a half ago.@iSmashFizzleMarriage is just listening to your husband talk about what he wants to grill on the weekend.@ThisOneSayz70% of marriage is yelling “what” from a different room.@mommajessiecMarriage is having separate tubes of toothpaste because your spouse squeezes it wrong.@mom_tho12% of marriage is disagreeing on which plastic containers are recyclable.@SladeWentworthMarriage is just your spouse perpetually standing in front of the kitchen drawer or cabinet…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022HUMOR in UNIFORMThe U.S. Strategic Command detects and deters foreign attacks. So last year, when it tweeted “;l;;gmlxzssaw, ” the Twittersphere went into overdrive. Had StratCom been hacked? Was it a coded message? Neither. The Command’s Twitter manager was working from home when he stepped away from his computer. His young son found the open Twitter account and sent his first tweet.SOURCE: OMAHA WORLD-HERALDDriving on the German Autobahn for the first time, we kept passing signs for Einfahrt and Ausfahrt. “Those must be huge cities, ” I said to my sergeant.He politely explained, “Einfarht and ausfahrt are German for entrance and exit.”—DAVID KINNETT Franklin, IndianaIn basic training, our drill instructor made it clear that everything we recruits used belonged to her. For instance, she referred to our footlockers as “my trash, ”…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022National Parks: Made for You and Me1 WHILE THE TERM “national park” conjures images of the American West, there are national park units in every U.S. state and territory. Together they welcome about 300 million visitors each year and span some 85 million acres, almost 55 million of which are in Alaska.2 THERE ARE more than 400 sites in the National Park System, though that includes far more than what we traditionally think of as “parks, ” such as parkways and rivers. Strictly speaking there are 63 national parks (California has the most, with nine), but there are also national historic parks, national military parks, and other designations A few are thoroughly unique. Among them: the White House.3 THE NATIONAL Park Service (NPS) oversees all 400+ of these sites, so Alfred Hitchco*ck in 1958 needed the…4 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022Keeping a Laughter JournalIf you’d asked me how many times I laugh each day, I’d have guessed once or twice at most-until I started keeping a laughter journal. For 30 days I jotted down every time I so much as snigg*red. Turns out, I laugh way more than I thought, around six times per day. And while I like to think that I laugh at highbrow jokes, I’m a woman who cracks up when I hear what sounds like a dirty word on the radio (Day 8) or when someone trips in the street (Day 17), though I did feel a little bad about that. What’s more, I learned that being happy is something you have to work on. Recognizing what brings you joy won’t change your life, but it might lighten it…1 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022LAUGHTER THE BEST MedicineA turtle walks into a bar and orders a glass of water. The bartender hands the turtle the water and watches it slowly walk off. The next day, the turtle returns and orders another glass of water, then, again, inches away. This goes on for a few days until the bartender finally asks, “Instead of water, wouldn’t you like a beer? A snack?”“Not now!” shouts the turtle. “My house is on fire!”SOURCE: BTOKTIKTOK.COMI wish days-of-the-week underwear were still a thing so I would know what day of the week it is.— @LHLODDERIt’s Nick’s first post-college apartment, and he is showing it off to a friend. The big attraction: a large brass gong in the living room. “What’s the gong for?” asks his friend.“It’s not a gong. It’s a talking clock,…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022THE FUTURE OF TECHEvery day, it seems, a new techy term pops up, leaving us non-techies asking questions in what sounds like a foreign language. “What is an NFT?” for example. And “Where, exactly, is the metaverse?” If you’re confused, you’re not alone.While it might feel as if technology is speeding up, it follows a predictable formula called Moore’s Law, which has correctly predicted the pace of human advancements in technology for nearly six decades. Moore’s Law suggests that the number of transistors on a computer chip will double about every two years. This is a reliable indicator of how much and how quickly technology will change.And while Moore’s Law has held true for all this time, it hasn’t stopped other key trends in tech from accelerating far faster than computer chips can…9 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022“I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY”From the book I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAYIF THERE’S ONE thing most people can agree on, it’s that the way we treat and talk to people with opposing views is broken. We can’t stomach the ideas from across the political divide, let alone the people who hold them. This goes for other polarizing topics, too, not just politics. In one 2021 poll, most Americans thought the biggest threat to our country’s way of life was “other people in America.” By June 2021, U.S. voters rated “division in the country” as the number one issue facing them personally.Whether you consider yourself conservative, liberal, something in between, or something off that spectrum altogether, I bet you’ve wondered, as I have, how long we can hold it together while our differences…13 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022FLIP THE ’SCRIPTFor Dry, Itchy Skin: Take an Oatmeal BathSeveral studies show the benefits of using this traditional breakfast grain to treat skin symptoms. One 2020 trial, for instance, found that patients with eczema showed more improvement when their hand creams contained colloidal oatmeal. (Colloidal means the grains are pulverized into dust and mixed thoroughly into the lotion or solution.)“Oatmeal has anti-itch, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties, and it improves the skin’s direct barrier, ” says Sandy Skotnicki, MD, a dermatologist in the department of medicine at the University of Toronto. This is thanks to the grain’s natural antioxidants, proteins, and other special compounds. The starch and fiber in oatmeal also help draw moisture to the skin.You can make your own colloidal oatmeal by breaking down rolled oats with a coffee grinder or blender.…7 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022BrainGAMESFact or Fiction?MEDIUM Determine whether each statement is fact or fiction. To reveal the solution to the bonus question at the bottom, write the letters indicated by your responses in the corresponding numbered blanks. Turn the page upside down for the answers.Answers: 1. Fiction; Nepal’s is the shape of two triangular pennants. 2. Fiction. 3. Fact; he enjoyed anonymity in Benton while visiting his sister. 4. Fiction; they’ve been declining for more than ten years-but so have marriage rates. 5. Fact; after basketball legend Larry Bird. 6. Fact; this is known as the Birthday Paradox. 7. Fiction; Java should be Juno. 8. Fact. 9. Fiction; Father’s Day became official 58 years after Mother’s Day did. Bonus Question: Metaverse.Quick CrosswordEasy The first Friday of June is National Doughnut Day, a tasty…2 min
Reader's Digest|June 2022ANSWERSWHERE, OH WHERE?(page 52)A. Siyeh Pass, Montana. Named after a Blackfeet warrior whose name (pronounced “sai-yeh”) translates to “Crazy Dog” or “Mad Wolf, ” Siyeh Pass winds through Glacier National Park.BRAIN GAMES(pages 111-112)Quick CrosswordACROSS2. JELLY7. CRULLER8. POTATO9. SPRINKLE10. GLAZEDDOWN1. ZEPPOLE3. CIDER4. TWIST5. FRITTER6. MALASADASave the DatesChristina and Nicole are both getting married on the last Saturday in June.Almost Anagrams1. COEXIST2. SOCIETY3. COZIESTGo Forth, Subtract, and MultiplyAnalogousA. The second figure consists of the first one plus two translations of it.…1 min
Table of contents for June 2022 in Reader's Digest (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.