Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (2024)

June 3rd, 2023
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A stumpery is an area of the garden with tree stumps and logs arranged as decoration. If you’ve got a mature tree with big roots and you can’t plant anything near it, then a stumpery is an interesting and attractive option.

It’s sometimes described as ‘a rock garden created with tree stumps.’ Perfect for a shady slope or corner, it can be based around a tree or tree stumps, either fallen or still in the ground.

The stumpery was a Victorian garden design trend. It’s now making a comeback, because it’s environmentally friendly and wildlife friendly.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (1)

The new stumpery at Doddington Place Gardens, based around a dead tree and a dip in the ground.

The first one I ever saw was at Highgrove in the early 1990s. The then Prince Charles was spear-heading environmentally friendly gardening. I was with a group of journalists and we were (literally) stumped when we came across a clearing with stacks of tree stumps piled on top of each other, almost forming a wall.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (2)

Garden designer Posy Gentles’ front garden bed is 1.5m x 2.5m and is shaded by a wall, a hedge and a multi-stemmed tree. So she has created a mini-stumpery to show off shade-loving small plants.

Lucy Adams and Adam Roberts, gardeners at Doddington Place Gardens in Kent, have just finished creating a stumpery in a dip in the ground. And garden designer Posy Gentles has also created a mini stumpery in her front garden in town. So here are their tips (and to see more of the stumperies, see this video).

What are the benefits of a stumpery?

If you have a dead tree or old logs and stumps hanging around your garden, then making them a decorative part of the garden saves you time, effort and money. You won’t pay to have them stump-ground or taken away.

Even if you have a dead tree or a tree stump still in the ground, that can be the focus for a stumpery.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (3)

Group logs and tree stumps around tree roots to create a stumpery. This one at Doddington Place Gardens also makes sense of a natural dip in the ground.

Dead wood is beneficial to insects and the wildlife that feed on the insects, which makes it environmentally friendly.

A stumpery is also an interesting way to treat a difficult shady corner. If, for example, you have a part of your garden that is heavily shaded by trees, with tree roots growing in it, then it’s an attractive way of dealing with an area that can be difficult to plant.

Where do you get logs or stumps from?

If you don’t have access to fallen trees, then ask local tree surgeons or arborists, search ‘tree stumps for sale’ online and ask at garden centres, nurseries or gardens that are regularly open to the public.

Doddington Place Gardens is part of an estate, says Lucy. ‘So we had lots of tree stumps around.’

Most of these are from fallen trees. Adam says that digging up a tree stump would be a long hard job. And Lucy adds that you wouldn’t know if it had an attractive root formation until you had dug it up. ‘The advantage of using tree stumps from fallen trees is that you can see the shapes they make.’

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (4)

Tree stumps from fallen trees show the architectural shapes of their roots. If you dig a stump up, it will be very hard work and you won’t know what the shape is beforehand.

You don’t always need a whole tree stump. Several of Posy Gentles’ stumps are only a part of a stump.

Lucy warns that you can’t simply take a fallen tree stump if you find it lying around when you’re out walking. ‘All land is managed or owned by someone. You need to contact them, whether it’s a private landowner or the forestry commission. But you may find them surprisingly helpful!’

It’s also worth remembering that you will probably need special equipment or help to move a larger stump. ‘We could move some smaller ones by hand and wheelbarrow,’ said Lucy. ‘But we had to hire special equipment to move the really big ones.’

How to place stumps

There’s no special way of placing tree stumps in a stumpery.

Both these stumperies – at Doddington Place Gardens and in Posy’s front garden – were inspired by the stumpery at Highgrove House in the Cotswolds.

The then Prince Charles created it in the early 1990s, when it was a very unusual feature. It has tree stumps stacked one on top of the other, almost like a wall of tree stumps.

However, at Doddington Place Gardens, they placed the tree stumps spaced apart, to show off their sculptural qualities. ‘Although we had to place the biggest ones in places that could be accessed by the equipment,’ adds Lucy.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (5)

At Doddington Place Gardens the stumps are placed to show off their architectural shapes.

Posy also placed stumps where she thought they looked best.

How deep should you plant the stumps?

Posy’s stumps are simply placed on the ground. It’s flat, so there’s no likelihood that they could move or fall.

One reason why she wanted to use the stumps was to create extra height to showcase the plants. So she built up the soil around them to create an extra planting space.

However, rain washed the soil away! So she wedged some slates in around them to hold the soil in place and planted them up there.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (6)

You can barely see the old slates pushed in to hold the extra soil in place. You could also use pieces of broken pottery.

When you have more of a slope, some people recommend planting around one third of the stump in the soil to keep it in place.

How to create a small stumpery

Posy’s front garden stumpery is around 1.5m x 2.5 m, so it’s a very small area. She has a multi-stemmed amelanchier tree in it, which provides privacy for the house. This means that the rest of it is in shade during the summer.

The multi-stemmed tree is the largest element in this small space, so she placed two largest stumps furthest away from it on either side to balance out the shape. ‘Think of it like decorating a corner in your house. If you have a picture, a table and a lamp, they all create an overall shape together. The tree and the stumps have a similar relationship to each other.’

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (7)

Posy balanced the major elements in the small space by placing the two largest stumps in a triangle with the stems of the amelanchier tree.

Otherwise you can place the stumps wherever you like.

Small stumpery ideas

You could have a ‘mini stumpery’ with just one stump. Lucy thinks that adding a stump to, say, a mini pond or in a wildlife corner, would look good and create a habitat.

In Jo Richardson’s garden, she has several tree stumps planted up with succulents. However, she keeps these in the sun, because succulents need sunshine.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (8)

Jo Richardson has used a tree stump for planting succulents – though you would have to place it in a sunny spot. See more of Jo’s garden ideas in Starting a Garden From Scratch.’

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (9)

You can use tree stumps still in the ground as starting point for a stumpery theme. Add bug hotels, log piles, a dead hedge and other tree related items, as in this show garden for the Royal Entomological Society at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (10)

Expand on the tree theme with trees in pots or dead logs. This copper beech is in a pot in Posy’s garden, with a log arranged beside it. You can see more of Posy’s garden in 10 garden planting ideas for small gardens.

How to plant a stumpery

Posy’s town garden is flat, so she uses the tree stumps to create some height. This means she can show off small, individual plants that would get lost in a border. She has planted it up with small daffodils and tulips in spring. She’s also found tiny-leafed versions of ivy and euonymus.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (11)

In Posy’s mini stumpery, she has planted plants with tiny leaves and miniature bulbs. She says that she did plant some larger daffodils, but they looked wrong so she had to take them out. ‘It’s a place to showcase small plants that would get lost in a border,’ she says.

If you’re planting under deciduous trees, then it’s a very good place for bulbs. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter, so spring bulbs get the early sunshine.

If you’re planting under evergreen trees, that is much harder. Very little will grow directly under an evergreen tree. But you can prune evergreens to allow more light in.

Stumperies are good place for ferns and woodland plants. At Doddington Place Gardens, they have used ferns for their sculptural qualities.

Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (12)

At Doddington Place Gardens, they have planted ferns, spring bulbs, cowslips and cyclamen. It’s worth trying any shade loving plants with shallow roots.

Can you plant around tree roots?

I sometimes get queries from people wondering what they can do when mature tree roots are growing on the surface in their gardens.

Don’t try to cover up or cut back tree roots. Both could damage the tree. It would be better to make the roots central to the theme in that part of the garden, perhaps creating a mini stumpery or adding a log pile in the area. And you can plant around the roots, although it’s not suitable for lawn as you won’t be able to cut it.

Lucy says that, firstly, you should think about which side of the tree is sunnier or shadier when you’re choosing plants. Both sides will be in at least partial shade but one side will probably have more sun than the other. That will affect your plant choice.

The best plants to plant around tree roots are bulbs, ferns and cyclamen, say Lucy and Adam. Or try any plants with shallow roots which are happy in the shade.

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Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (13)

  1. Holly Hendrickson says:

    April 11, 2024 at 12:20 am

    I live in the midwest of the US and have only recently heard of a stumpery. I am enchanted and can’t wait to try it in a little wooded area of my home. Thank you for the tips.


    1. Alexandra Campbell says:

      April 11, 2024 at 1:48 pm

      I hope you enjoy it.


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Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery (2024)


Transform a shady corner of your garden with a stunning stumpery? ›

The idea is to utilize leftover stumps from trees that fell down or ones you've removed. An overturned stump with all its exposed roots is particularly attractive, but any stump will do. You can also use fallen logs, even those that have decayed or hollowed out. Traditionally, a stumpery is in a shady woodland area.

What to put in a stumpery? ›

Ferns are the most popular choice for a stumpery but you can use any shade-loving plants such as hostas, hellebores, bluebells, snowdrops and primroses. Alpines also work well, such as ajuga, as do perennials such as brunnera or pulmonaria (lungwort).

How do you brighten a shady garden? ›

Use foliage plants with chartreuse, gold, silver, or variegated leaves, or flowering plants with white or yellow blooms to make a dark space look brighter. Colorful containers, statuary, water features, reflective mirrors or panels, artwork, or other decorative accents are also effective for lightening a space.

What to plant over a tree stump? ›

Try lavender, red barrenwort, Solomon's seal, or bigroot geranium. Plant a series of shrubs around it. Look for shrubs that are tough enough to grow around those leftover tree roots, like oakleaf hydrangeas or azaleas.

What bulbs are good for Stumpery? ›

Species such as Hart's-Tongue (Asplenium scolopendrium) work particularly well and you could also add spring bulbs, primula or hostas to give some colour.

How do you make a tree stump look cute? ›

You can place potted plants around and on top of the stump. The more variety of plants you put, such as cornflowers, marigolds, and even ferns, the more natural it would look. If you're worried about your tree stump deteriorating, you can always apply varnish beforehand.

What should I fill a stump hole with? ›

Add Topsoil and Seed

Begin by filling the hole where the tree was with topsoil and organic material, such as grass clippings, and pack it down loosely.

What will rot out a tree stump? ›

Ideally, you would want a commercial fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, since it will give you the fastest results, but cow manure is also effective. Another more natural alternative is Epsom salt. It is also a cost-effective solution as a 19lbs page starts at $10.

Do bulb plants grow in shade? ›

To grow and flower well, most bulbs, including tulips, need lots of sunshine from the moment they push through the soil in early spring until their foliage yellows and collapses. Daffodils can tolerate a bit of shade, but if they get less than half a day of sun, they may not bloom in future years.

What is the best wood for a stumpery? ›

Stumpery creation involves replicating a forest floor using a mix of different sized wood stumps and logs. Oak, sweet chestnut and beech are the best woods as they rot slowly, but other hardwoods will do.

Are irises good for bees? ›

Botanists and horticulturists have postulated that irises put a great deal of energy into producing numerous, very large, colorful flowers on a single plant to attract pollinators (bumblebees) at a time when many other plants are blooming and competing for pollinators as well.

What do you pour on a stump? ›

Epsom salt, chemically known as magnesium sulfate, is a natural and safe way to kill a tree stump. Here's how you can use it: Drill several holes into the stump, making them roughly 10 inches deep and spaced evenly across the top. Fill each hole with Epsom salt, ensuring the salt reaches the bottom.

What do you put in a tree planter? ›

Step 4: Filling It Up. I filled up the bottom of the barrel with pvc pipes, old plant pots and stones, I did this to create a water reservour for the roots to draw from. I then put a little compost and filled it up with a tree and dirt. I then planted smaller plants around the tree.

What do you put on a tree stump? ›

These fun ideas are quick and easy to do:
  1. Make Stump Into a Bird Bath. Start by cutting the portion of the stump you want to use into your desired shape with an axe or chainsaw. ...
  2. Plant Flowers In Stump. ...
  3. Turn Stump Into Decor. ...
  4. Put a Birdhouse On Top of It. ...
  5. Grow Edible Mushrooms.

What do you put in a plant tower? ›

  1. Top: Celery, chard, herbs, lettuces, flowers.
  2. Middle: Peppers, eggplant, beans, kale, collards, sugar snap peas, strawberries.
  3. Bottom: Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, all squash (four large or vine plants is the recommended max per Tower)


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