The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)

a a a THE KOKOMO TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1985 SEVEN PRESIDENT TO VISIT PACIFIC COASTON TOUR May. Address Young. Demo- cratic Clubs at Milwaukee On. August 23. Washington, July Planning his western trip for late President Roosevelt baa tentatively placed the meeting of the young Democratic clubs at Milwaukee, August 28, GD his schedule.

However, the White House said today be is holding back any final WOOD LAST TIMES TODAY RUGGLES OF RED GAP With Charles Laughton Mary Boland Zasu Pitts Charlie Ruggles Also Popeye Cartoon WEDNES. THURS. The Man Who Reclaimed His Head Claude Rains Joan Bennett Lionel Atwill Baby. Jane LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY DON'T STAND THERE TELLING ME YOU CAN'T FIND. THE LITTLE BRAT- I SAY YOU MUST FIND HER Attractions Theaters schedule for his trip to the Pacific coast until congress adjourns.

He intends to remain here until Attractions the administration program is concluded is on Hill, Theaters He definitely counting on going to the International Exposition at San Diego during the late summer ar early fall, probably by way of Milwaukee if congress adjourns by that time. The westward route also is expected to include a visit. to the mammoth Boulder Canyon dam Colorado river naw nearing completion. If any set speech is made on hls trip, it probably will be before the young Democrats, although Mr. Roosevelt hag a way of talking extemporuneously at stops along the way.

Once on the Pacific coast, it is entirely probable the Preeident will go out an occan for a cruisc and it is possibic he may return east through the Panama Canal, With the national campaign on next year, both the President and Postmaster-General Farley, the Democratic national chairman, want to be sure of a vacation this summer, Farley will CrOSS the country this summor and, with Mre. Farloy plans a cruise to Hawali. THE BIGGEST NOW thru THUR. THRILL SINCE, ENJOY IT AGAIN! MUSIC CAME TO robust Adventure-crowded romance hours when handsome pioneers THE SCREEN! picked their wives from "brideships." Thrills set to glorious music! JEANETTE MacDONALD Nelson EDDY -InVICTOR HERBERT'S Naughty Marietta" -WithFRANK MORGAN BIG PICTURES! COOL COMFORT! LOW PRICES! ADULTS CHILD'N AND. COMFY A ALL INDIANA TODAY- -Last Chance to See.


ATTRACTIONS All Action Charlie Joe Louis Primo Carnera: Chase Fight Pictures In 6. Rounds Including Knuckont "Okay Taken at the Ringside Toots" Teacher's I'VE BEEN ON THE JOB DAY AND NIGHT RUNNING DOWN CLUES AND FALSE ALARMS, BUT THAT KID HAS DISAPPEARED LIKE A SOAP- BUBBLE Walk" with Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler and Pat O'Brien. COLONIAL Today. Jacir Benny In "Transatlantic Merry Go Round." Wednesday and Thursday Dick Powell and Josephine Hutchinson in "Happiness Ahead." Sun. James Cagney and Allen Jenkins in "The St.

Louis Kid." PARAMOUNT Tuesday, Wednesday. Jane Wilbers in "Ginger" with O. P. Heggle, Jack Searl and Katherine Alexander. Sat.

Shirley Temple in "The Little Colonel." with Lionel Barrymore, and chapter Number 6 "Chandu." Coming Sunday Double features Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter in "One More Spring," and Richard Arlen, Madge. Evana in "'Heil Doado." SIPE Tuesday -Only On the Stage Jean Hobbs Dance Revue. On the Screen "Dog of Flanders" Wednesday and Thursday Seven big comedy stars in "Lightning Strikes Twice." Friday and Saturday Tim McCoy in "Riding Also Ken Maynard in "Mystery Mountain" Chapter No. 5. Coming Sunday Joe Penner, Jack Oakie in "College Another Tax Suit.

Indianapolis, July The growing list of suits attacking constitutionality of AAA processing taxes wag increased again today when the Elkhart Packing Elkhart, filed an action in district court to prevent. paying $36,000. Suits were filed by the ington Packing Company, Bloomington and the Cadick Milling Grandview. LOOK AT THIS! Dancers and Music Lovers BARNEY RAPP AND HIS NEW ENGLANDERS -FeaturingRUBY WRIGHT Sweetheart of the Airways Direst from 9 weeks engagement at Muhelbach Hotel, Kansas City. Stars of WLW Last Winter.

COMING THE COLONIAL GARDENS LAKE MANITOU, ROCHESTER For Two Nights Only Saturday and Sunday July 13th and 14th Admission 15c Per Person- Tax In-Dance 'Till 2. A. M. Pet NOW, PRETEND ZERO- -YOU THAT TEACHER AND GOTTA SIT OP AN' WATCH ME WHEN I MY LESSONS NEW TAX BILL MAY RAISE SUM OF $001,500,000 Morgenthau Gives Estimates to. Committee on.

Ways and Means Washington, July -Re publican demands for "national solvency" and Insistence that legislatore are. "rubber stamps" for the President started through congress today a tax bill estimated to raise anything from $118.000,000 to: $901,500,000 a year. Secretary Morgenthau supplied the initial push by submitting to the house ways and means committee estimates of what would be produced by applying various tax rates to individual and incomes and to inheritances and gifts, The White House proposed these wealth levies and intimated today they should be the limit of the 'session's tax, legislation. Proposed Schedules Compared In all, 29 committce schedules returned to that group with requested treasury estimates. and the comment from Morgenthau that "they are devised to draw on accumulations of wealth and income which, for the most part, have been derived from nationwide activities." The lowest schedule would tax income between $100,000 and 000 at 58 per cent as compared with the present and Income over $7,500,000 at 84 per cent against the present 63 per cent.

The highest would tax $100,000 Incomes 60 per cent and increase to 94 per. cent an income over $10,000,000. Corporation income levies were within a range of 10 per cent on those under $2,000 to per cent on those over $1,000,000 as against the present. flat per cent. The stiffest inheritance levies would range upward from 4 per cent on to 84.24 cent on $10,000,000 plus.

The mildest would start at 3 per cent on and amount to 57 per cent all over $10,000,000. Facing a -battery of strong lights set up by cameramen and. 25 Interested and Morgenthau today gift inberitance taxes could be made to produce anything from $7,000,000 to those on "large" inincomes $5,000,000 to. those on corporation in- comes from $67,000,000 to 0D0, Furthermore, he asserted the idea of taxing dividends received by one corporation from another would produce about $39,000,000. The schedules thus outlined followed closely recommendations made by the President in his message to congress in which he expounded the philosophy that masa rather than individual efforts created big fortunes and suggested taxes to bring a "wider distribution of wealth." Morgenthan, however, ran into THIS EVENING Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians and Colonel and Budd Presented by THE FORD DEALERS Now broadcasting TUESDAY Evenings instead of Thursdays 7:30 to 18:330 Central Standard Time WHAS 'WATCH THE FORDS G.O TODAY TODAY ONLY SIDE ONLY BIG STAGE AND SCREEN PROGRAM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! ON THE STAGE ON THE SCREEN JEAN HOBBS OF THE A BOY'S BELOVED IDEALS STORY AND presents her ADOG'S Juvenile DOG OF Dance Revue HILIN FRANKIE PARRISH THOMAS 50- -LOCAL DANCE STARS- HEGGIE.


LION TODD -PERT. KELTON: THUR. SKEETS GALLAGHER GOTTA you YOU'RE AND You THEN. KNOW) READ THE INSCLURE made no specific recommendations when Chairman Doughton, interposed that the President is not trying to make A "rubber stamp of congress." a barrage of questions from Republicans about "budget balancing." Representative Jenkins (R-Ohto), asserted the country should be. given the Impression that the new taxes would balance the budget when that was not the case.

Representative Woodruff, (R. attempted to Morgenthan to task for not asserting. that the 'committee' should raise. a specitic amount of money. He insisted the treasury should make apecitic suggestions which "at least would start us on the road to solvency." While was on the stand there White House hints that Mr, Roosevelt did not expect the tax revision to reach into medium and lower income brackets.

All the while the Democrats, too, were throwing political jabs. For instance, Morgenthau was hestitat. ing with an answer as to why he WRIGHT ESTATE CASE BONDSMEN OF FORMER BANK. ER AT HUNTINGTON SUED TO RECOVER Huntington, July. 8 Alleged defalcations of Carl E.

Endicott while trust officer and vicepresident of the defunct Citizens State bank are the basis of a sult filed in circuit court here today by the state department of financial institutions. The action. geaka to recover $15,170 from the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company on bond. The complaint charges that while acting as trust officer of the bank, Endicott converted to hts own use $5,500 due the bank AN trustee of the Isaac Wright estate of Kokomo; falled to account for $1,727 paid himself and other heirs of the Wright estate, and Incurred. losses of.

$5,520 to the bank through prudent purchases and exchanges of securities. Endicot: is a former president of Kiwanis International, TELEPHONE OPERATOR IS FOUND DROWNED IN WELL Indianapolis, July 8-(P)-Miss Addle Elizabeth Stirewalt, 29, operator of the telephone exchange at New Augusta for thirteen years, was drowned today in a well at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Julius Stirewalt. Miss Stirewalt's mother said she heard a splash and summoned Mr. Stirewalt who found the daughter in the well, Deputy sheriffs said 'it would have been difficult for Miss Stirewalt to have fallen into the well accidentally as the opening.

at the top was narrow. Miss Stirewalt weighed about. 170 pounds. Her family and fellow employer at the telephone exchange said had given no intimation that she she to end her life. GIRL SAYS FATHER "SOLD" HER TO GET CASH FOR CAR of an 11-year-old girl she Was Atlanta, July.

8-(P)-The story. "sold" by her father for $125 to. a Chattanooga man and that part of the money was used to buy a second-band car for. their honeymoon, caused juvenile court authorities today to order a grand jury Inventigation of the case. The girl told Judge Garland Wat: ktng she WAS Lorene Carroll of Rossville, and that she WaR there last September: 1 14.

to a 35-year-old man whom as Bale Hopkins of Chattanooga, Tenn: She said the man she married is a brother of her stepmother: She ran away from him last month. GREENTOWN Greentown, July 8 The second meeting of the Union and Jackson Young Peoples' organization WAS held Friday evening at the Friends church in Phlox. Ancil Costlow, Kokomo, was present and conducted a series of very interesting games. The devotional period WAR in charge of Sterrat Nash. The program consisted a vocal duet by Miss Glenda Fox and Malcolm Conway; a reading by Madonna Nash; a a a a talk by the Rev.

Addingvocal duet by Genevieve Hawking and Sterrat Nash and piano duet -by Dorothy. and Jean Colescott. Refreshments were served to about seventy-five young people. The following. persona from Greentown attended inspection of Missisalnewa: chapter Order of Eastern: Star at Marion, Monday evening: Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Petro, Mrs. Elizabeth Shockley, Mr. and Mra. C.

Kaufman, Miss Cranor, Mrs. Ida Mae Petro; Mrs. Thelma Mra. Anna Cole and Mr. and: Mrs.

William Fifty-two chapters were Mr: and Mra; Rutus Currens, Mr. and Mrs. Paul: Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. C.

Currena and- childien of Kokomo, are. spending: few days in- Michigan. See Reeder. for Glasses, By Brandon Walsh IF GOTTA PAY ATTENTION I AIN'T READIN RIGHT YOU BARK AN' TEL I'M WRONG- I LESSON BUT COUPLE OF THAT KINDA SCARES ME ROE IS FREED OF SAUNDERS CASE MURDER CHARGE State Witness in Slaying. of Wabash Minister Is Given Clear Bill by Judge Indianapolis, July 8-(P)-Judge Frank P.

Baker of criminal dismissed today the murder. indictmeat pending abainst Maril Roe, Coalmont youth, mind freed the boy at all charges in connection with the fatal shooting of the Rev. GayV. Saunders here more than year, prosecutor, ago. Herbert Spencer, suggested the action.

The minister body: of the in former. Wabash, found his automobile. on North Side street: here than a year ago, was: one of three persona Indicted: The minister's widow was acquitted last December by jury that found her Insane at the time the crime was committed. Boone circuit court Jury found Theodore Mathers, 21, of Coalmont, of Involuntary manslaughter in connection with the case, and he was sentenced to one to ten year reformatory sentence. Roe WAB.

witness for the atate in the trials of Mrs. Saunders and Mathers, Mathers and Saundera testifled at their trials of b- normal relationships among them and Saunders, SHARPSVILLE Sharpaville, July K. Butcher, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Roy Butcher, was operated on for aoute- appendicitis Friday at the Mercy hospital in Elwood.

Her condition was improved. enough Sunday to remove her to her home in Sharpsville. Dr. and Mrs. H.

B. Shoup and family and Rose Esther Sutton spending. two weeks at their 'cottago' at Elk. Rapida, Mich. Mr.

and Mra. Robert Silvers and left Sunday for a motor trip through New York state and Canada. They will stop at Buffalo, New York, for. a short visit with friends. Mr.

and Mre, Harold Hauntiton and family of Fort Wayne spent the week-end with Mrs. Minnie Hamillon. Mr. and Mira. Harry Binkley are spending a two weeks vacation at Ex Rapids, Mich.

Miss. Martha Busaler of Muncle visited Mr. and Mra. Ernest Bler over the Week-end. Miss Waneta Maple was brought home from, the Methodist hospital Sunday afternoon.

She is recovering from an appendix operation of 1 week ago. Miss Glee DeWitt and Mrs. George Boynton of Chicago. are -visiting their mother, Mrs. Dora De Witt.

Miss Joan Boynton of Chicago came last week to spend the summer with Mra De Witt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamilton and daughter nAna Dam. May spent Sunday Hanna's Groan Seal Paint DYE LUMBER CORPORATION.

THOUSANDS ARE LEFT HOMELESS BY HIGH WATER Damage Mounts Into Millions as Dams Collapse, Bridges, and Rail Lines Wash Out ISIS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Victor Herbert's "Naughty Marietta" with Jeanctte MacDonald, Nelson Eddy. Friday and Saturday "The Marines Are Coming" with William Haines, Esther Ralston. Also "The New Adventures of Tarzan" Chapter No. 1. Coming Sunday Hooray For Love" with Ann Sothern, Gene Raymond, INDIANA Today Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" with Fredric March and Laughton.

Wednesday and Thursday William Powell in "Escapade" with Virginia Bruce. Friday and Saturday "Let 'em Have It" with Richard Arlen, Bruce Cabot. Coming Sunday "The Virginian" with Gary Cooper, Mary Brian. WOOD Today, "Rugglos of Gap," with Charles Laughton, Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland and Zasu Pitts. Wednewlay and Thursday Claude Rains in "The Man Who.

Reclaimed His Head," with Joan Bennett and Lionel Atwili. Friday und Saturday "Honor of The Range," with- Ken Maynard also "Tallspin Tommy." Coming Sunday The military musical "Flirtation COLODIALS TODAY JACK BENNY AND A BUNCH OF STARS IN "TRANSATLANTIC MERRY GO ROUND" WED. THURS. Dick POWELL Josephine HUTCHINSON in "HAPPINESS AHEAD" Big Pictures, Smull Prices paramount Matinees Nites 20c Children TODAY and WED. SE GINGER JANE WITHERS O.

P. HEGGIE JACKIE SEARL KATHARINE ALEXANDER Extra Added Attraction THE "FIVE PUPLETS" -Also TOM HOWARD and GEORGE SHELTON OUT" STARTING THUDSMort Endiaring tia Ever Shirtey TEMPLE Lionel BARRYMORE In The LITTLE COLONEL' 4 3 De Sy-va Product.or EVELYN VENABLE JOHN LODGE and BILL ROBINSON Based on the story by Annie Fellows Johnston Albany, July 8- (AP)--The casualties in upstate New York's cloudburst and subsequent floods reached 30 tonight-22 dead and eight missing, and property damage was reliably estimated to be well over $10,000,000. State and national governmental units began the big task of providing relief for the several thousand temporarily homeless. Immediately' after Governor Herbert H. Lehman gave authority Lo National Guard officers to press the infantry into service, units at Elmira and Hornell were mobilized to be held in readiness to move to the flood-stricken areas.

Hones Looted "We have been Informed there is looting of homes at Hornell and Paintea Post," said Captain John Mosier of the Elmira Infantry. Governor Lehman obtained the tranafer of 25,000 relief workers from works projects to flood areas, and American Red Cross in Washington rushed three "disaster relief workers" to Hornell and Bath in Steuben county. They will concentrate their immediate in Monroe, Tompkins, Delaware, Seneca and Steuben counties. Swollen rivers and creeks were receding gradually in most sections after leaving a trail of partially wrecked communities and cluttered highways. Many Autos Marooned Four dams collapsed and scores of bridges and railroad lines were washed out.

Gas and electric servIce was suspended in several municipalities: Busses and automobiles were marooned by the acores. Cammunications lines were widely affected. Hundreds of families were forced to spend the night in the open, out of the Hooded. lowlands, or with friends In nearby hille. The problem of sanitation confronted aeveral municipal administrations as water systems remained out of commission, principally in Hornell, Trumanaburg, Watkins Glen and Bath.

All except two of the deaths were caused by drowning, and all occurred in the southern tier of caunties where the storm caused the most damage. Hornell, Bath and Trumansburg, in the southern central portion of upstate New York, were the bardest bit. Rotary Camp Children Rescued Mayor Leon F. Whastley of Hor'nell, a city of 16,000, appealed to the state. temporary: relief administration for funds to provide food and clothing for: persons forced from their homes.

"Water mains are broken," the mayor wired. "Desperate sanitary conditions threatened. Wire immediate funds." Practically every street and cellar. in Hornell was flooded, and water, gas and electric light service WaS out of commission. Fifty-six children were reacued when the the waters threatened the Rotary summer camp and several buildings in the lowlands.

J. E. KNIGHT, Teacher of Modern Ballroom and Tap I DANCING MODERN WOODMEN HALL 3rd Floor 118. No. Buckeye IL 4 The Picture Frame of Your Home Your yard, the picture frame of your home, thrives on water--lots of it.

Besides making your home worth more to you, a grass covered yard, pretty flowers and shrubbery increase your property's value. Your pipes are filled with water ready to help. Why not make of its KOKOMO WATER WORKS COMPANY.

The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.