The Coshocton Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio (2024)

I A CO SOCIETY Call Phone Thoroly del chital was the informal dancing party 11t tue Like club rooms, Wedensday, evening. by the. membors lodge. Sammy Stewarts orchestra, of ('o- lumbus, furnished a splendid musical program and thruout the eveuing re-! freshing punch was served. Among those enjoying the affair: were: Mr.

and Mrs. James W. Beach. Mr. and Joseph Gallimore, Mr.

and MIs. Edaurd McManus. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 0.

Boyd. Mr. Russell Raymer. Mr. and Char.

Airs. les Helman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowsher.

Mr Mrs. Vincent Thrapp. Mr. and Mrs. D.

1. Thaxton. Mr. and Mrs. Berle Whitacre.

Mr. RHEUMATIC TWINGE MADE WINCE! TSE Sloan's freely for rheumatic aches, sciatica, muscles, lumbago, back- neuralgia. aches, stiff joints and for sprains and strains. It pencircies without rubbing. The very first time you use Sloan's Liniment you will wonder why you never used it before.

The comforting warmth and relief fro: will delightfully surprise you. Keep Sloan's handy and at the first sign of an ache or pain, use it. At all druggists- 70c, $1.40. Liniment Pains) Disfiguring facial eruptions are quickly bealed by Dr 'Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Good for pimply faces, eezema, sene itching skin, and all otharskin troubles.

Oneof Hobeon', Fomily Remedies. Any druggist. and Mrs. Russell Jacobs, Mr Mrs. I Joseph Williams.

Dr. and Mrs. M. 11. Goodbart.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Robert Harvison. of Chicazo.

Mrs. George Barnes. Dr. and Mrs. lin.

Mr Mrs. W. B. Lyode. Mrs.

I Keenan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arthur Munieman. Mr.

and Mira. char les Brode. the Misses Bertha Rodman. Emma Williams, Mary Owens. Thel.

Ina Ward. Helen Lamberson. Emily Strickler, Irene Rodgers, Beulah nes. Ruth Lamberson. Esther llaight, Blanche Northup, Grace Groene.

Mil-! 'dred Kirkpatrick. Nelle Green, Jessie! Byers. Althea ('ox. Huzel Foster. Est-' her Green, Ruth Essex, Marno Hav and the Messrs.

Josepa Shepler. Sher. Mullett. ('harles Matt. Robert Vogel.

Carl Manner. R. Ryan. Guy Tarney. Fred Comptou, Gordon Watt.

Charles Weaver. Burt Wright, William McManus and Lester Bucher. Mr Mrs. Earl Denzer and daughter Ellen Louise. of Dennison, have returned home after a short! with G.

W. Denzer and Miss! Laura Denver 044 Miss Bertha Denzer, of Canton, was i entertained 111 the Denzer home over; Sundry. Coshocton friends of Miss Ottilie Grasper, of of this Roschester. will N. formerly city.

be interested to know that she expects to sail in; (July for France, to take up the language of that country. Miss Graeper intends to do foreign correspondence. The Rev. Mr. II.

C. Graeper, for many years pastor of the St. John's Evangelical church in Coshocton, is! very ill at his home in Rochester. "Say It With Flowers," Satisfaction guaranteed. tf T.

HI. Wheeler's Sunday school class: of Grace M. E. church will enjoy an all doy's sewing party, Friday, alt the home of Mrs. Ira Hoagland, Ninth-st.

Dr.Hobson's wiches, Members needles will and bring their thimbles. own Eczema Ointment Two interesting especially papers were giren at the regular mecting of the Woman's club, held Wednes-, day afternoon, at the library. The one. cu the "Develop- BROKEN LOT SHOES Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' FootwearPriced low enough to more them out. Your size is here.

Brendel's Fitters of Feet 4th and Main Sts. pent of Laws Relating to Women." BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabiets, the substitute for calomel. act gently on the bowels and positively do the work.

People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief Dr. Edwards 'Olive Tablets. hero pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver.

stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or any disagrecable effects. F.

M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of practice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a weck and note the effect. 15c and 30c.

HEMSTITCHING Work of all kinds. Work brot in on Tuesday, special price, 3 yards for 25c. You'll like our work. WALKER MILLINERY BED LINEN LAUNDERED Give Our Family Laundry Service a Trial and See How Much Lighter Your House Work Will Be. Our Solicitor Will Call.

Eureka Laundry MAST CO 30 YEARS DOING GOOD Get rid of that catarrh while you can Catarnb gets to be a habit. For goodness sake don't get used to it. i Never be content to live on in that way--sleeping with mouth open, waking with that bad taste, coughing and spitting all days, an easy mark for colds and every epidemic of throat trouble that comes along. Try Senel Ar free 20 FREE (20 applicaA tin free. nailed pane Postal Minneapolis, Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, used and e9- teemed for thirty years -for clearing heads, soothing angry membranes and relieving Catarrh.

It is a valued household remedy in thousands of American homes. Better than camphorated oil for children. Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is guaranteed not only by us, but by 30 years service for millions of Americans. If Kondon's doesn't do wonders for your cold, sneezing, cough, chronic catarrh, noscbleed, headache, sore nose, etc. -ne'll pay your money back.

On palo at all drug stores. Avoid signature is substitutes on the package make sure you buy. this JELLY siren I lim Barnes, George presented the second one. using as her "Present Socia! and Industrial P'roblems." Roll call was responded to with "Present. Day P'roblems Mrs.

Ed (verloit entertained a number 1:1 her friends, Thursday lat her lost Keene, with a comfort Those present were: Mrs. Clifford Boyd. Mira. J. Sheets.

Mrs. Edward Porter. Mrs. Bible. Mrs.

A. D. Miller, I Airs. Seklon Pew, Mis. J.

L. Boyd. Mrs. Willed Mrs. Margaret Ling.

Mri. Mailiam Karr. Mrs. "liam Cram blett. Mrs.

Mattie Dudgeon, and Miss Cora Hoffman. Miss Esther Lower. 712 South Lawn-av. was hostess to the members; in the (. 1.1.

K. club, Monday evening, in her horns. Dainty refreshments were served by Loser to the follo. ina. Miss Janice Richardson.

Miss Lorenr. Miss, Dorothy Riles. Miss Margaret Miss Nelle Owen.| 'Margare Robson. Helen and Miss I lelen Brode.

Complitanting his birthday anniversary. 'W'Aison March W24 honored guest at a party given Tuesday evening, in his home near Fresno. In ho cor of the occasion, the guests presen xl him with number of at-; aLdl usefui Gams as 1 various amusem*nts NOW DO MY WORK WITH EASE Bec: ruse Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Resternd My Health UR I was tired out all roll call, followed by a splendidly preover and it was an ef- pared paper on "Lincoln and the fort for me to move. Good Roads Movement." by Miss MatI was irritable and tie lack.

The second paper for the could not sleepnights afternoon was a selected book reand had trouble with bowels and at my riow. given In a most pleasing manmy periods. It seemed ner by Mrs. ('larence Randles. thatnearly everyone Hornell, N.

Y. was in bad health but there didn't scemto be any one thing matter with me. around knew of your medicine and wanted me to try it, so at last I took Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound blets and Lydia E. Blood :11 -(Ecine and improved every day. I do al' my own work now except the washing a 1cl do it with case.

I can accomplet much in a day now as would have taken me a week to do last winter and I try to get every one I know to take cur medicine to build them up. You are a ulcome to use this letter as a if you like." -Mrs. CHAS. BAKER. '21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Spencer Hornell, N.Y.

In almost every neighborhood there are women. know of the value of Lydia 'Pinkham's Vegetable Compound They because they have taken 'it and have been helped. Why don't you give it a trial? Uses Silk Stove lack Polish REACK SILK as in Avery Drop's Get: a con today from your cery do ha far. Adware or gro- POLISH ON SALE SAT. 50 Wool Dresses 1 (Actual $15.00 Values) $5.95 1 35 Wool Tricotine Dresses (Actual $19.75 and $25 Values) $10 STRIPES New Wool Prunella PLAIDS AND Skirts $5 REAL SPECIALS GEORGETTE WOMEN'S SUITS, CREPE DE CHINE WINTER COATS, Fur Trimmed and BLOUSES FUR COLLARS Plains.

Small sizes $3.95 $10 $10 GOLDENS A A due 980207 serial 980707 PAGE SEVEN were enioved thraout the evening and 'later a delicious luncheon was served. Included in the guest list were: Mr. and 'Irs. W. F.

Park. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Murphy. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles! Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swigert and children Rosaline, Harold and Gay.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyd and Eugene and Marjorie. Mr. land Mrs.

William Klein and daughter Edna. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel West and daughter Vera, Mr. and Mrs.

Rob. ert March. Mrs. Jennie Albert, Mrs. Wilson March.

Miss Gleneva Graham. Perry March. Floyd Darr, Daniel March, E. Swigert. Glenn March land Wilson March, the guest of honor.

Mrs. Melvin McKinley, 433 south Fourth-st. will be hostess to the lolloway Missionary society of Grace M. L. church, Friday afternoon, at the usual hour.

The nuptial mass and ring ceremony for Miss Pearl Heft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John left, of Spring Moun-4 and Eugene McCrossin, son of Mrs. Edward McCrossin, of Akron, was performed morning. January 26 in the Annunciation church, at Akron, by the Rev.

Father Brown. Miss Myrtle Heft. of Canton. and! Paul Moran. of Akron, attended the bridal couple.

For the occasion. the bride was appropriately dressed in a becoming suit of blue Poiret Twill. with which she wore a letching hat of blue and lier corsage was of brides roses and lilacs. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Rooney and during the ceremony she sang very softly, "Oh Promise Me." After a short.

wedding trip, Mr. McCrossin and his bride will be at! home to their friends in Akron. The annual business meeting preceded the regular calendared program of the Roscoe Woman's club which was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. S.

Elliott. 317 north Fourth-st. Quotations from Lowell and Longfellow were the responses given 12. UR ALLENBY COMING BACK FROM EGYPT TO INFORM GOVT CAIRO, EGYPT. Feb.

Field Marshel Allenby. British high commissioner to Egypt will leave Thursday might or Friday morning for London to ro. port to the British government upon political unrest in this country. le will be accompanied by Brig. Gen.

Sir Gilbert Clayton and Sheldon Ames, experts on Egyptian affairs. Sarwat Pasha today announced the following as the conditions upon which he would accept the premiorship and form a cabinet: Abolition of the British protectorate and martial law; creation of an elec. tive legislature and election of tian ofcials; guarantees that the Egyptian troubles will be settled diplomatically." OLD PAPERS at The Tribune office. Call Liggens Hair Parlor, 168 or Residence 888..

The Coshocton Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.